ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

Bắt đầu từ đầu

   Akaashi relaxed sensing the feeling of relief coming off you. He smiled a bit.

   "AGGKKAAASHHIII!!!" Bokuto shouted barreling towards him, "Are you ok!? Your SMILLING?? You never do that!" you looked there way and sure enough Akaashi was smiling. He looked at you and you both realized you were staring at each other and both blushed furiously looking away. 

   "I do smile Bokuto you just never notice." Akaashi responded in a monotone voice but his ears still had a pink tint to them. Everyone started to pack up and get ready to start school.

 Y/n waled to get changed and as you were finishing up you were grabbed by the wrists by the managers. 

   "Hey what's the big idea!" you said getting dragged to behind the gym.

   "You like Akaashiiii~~~"  Yukie and Koari said in unison in a teasing voice.

   "WHaaaaa W-What d-do you mean?" you said hands fumbling everywhere and eyes averting contact. They looked at you with a "bruh" kind of look and you sighed in defeat.

   "Is it that obvious?" you asked.

   "I mean when you guys talk to each other you always are giving each other googly eyes and blushing. Like come on just tell him! He probably likes you he's always making sure your ok and staying after and early at practice to help you. I overheard Bokuto telling him to walk you home but Akaashi keeps acting all weird and blushy and looks away. Keji honestly didn't feel like he was someone Y/n would hang out with.

  "NO I'm not asking! I've only known him for a month!" you said storming off to your first class. The girls behind you giggled and un beknowst to you they ran over to Bokuto.

  "Pssstt Bokuto," Koari said, "come here!" Bokuto left his friends and you pulled him out of earshot from them. 

   "Whats up?" He asks tilting his head.

   "Do you know by any chance who Akaashi likes?" 

   "Oh this is what your asking? If it's about him and Y/n I see the signs to!" He responds giving a sly grin. 

   "Wow, who knew a bird brain like you could notice them crushing on each other", Yukie said laughing.

   "HEY! I've know Akaashi for years I'm not an idiot. He been acting happier and smiling more and a bit shy since Y/n came around!" he replied in a proud voice. Maybe he seemed accomplished knowing these things. "I'll ask him and maybe get him to make a move, but you know Akaashi." Bokuto announced pointing a thumb at himself. They then dispersed there little group and went on with the school day.

   You walked to your classroom and sat down. You were happy that this school had music and you had signed up and chose piano. Although piano reminded you of your dad you wanted it to be a positive thing so that's what you were gonna strive to do. You were a very smart student. Nearly every semester was all A's for you. Bokuto was in your first class with you which was math.

   "I hate maaaaath" Bokuto groaned staring agerly at his paper. You decided to help him and he then lit up, "I UNDERSTAND NOW THANKS!" he said snatching up his completed paper and barraled off to his next class since you had stayed 5 minutes to help him. You giggled at his bozo-ness. Is that even a word. You were looking down at the paper you were holding. It had your classes and what number they were. You were so focused that you bumbed into someone.

   "Sorry" you and the person said at the same time. You were about to continue when you noticed it was Akaashi. You both had pink tinted at your ears realizing who you bumbed into.

   "It's ok. You were spacing out a bit are you alright?" Akaashi asked hoping nothing bad had happened.

   "I'm fine", you smiled, "I was just looking at my paper. See you later at practice Keji!" you said skipping to your next class smiling. 

   She's so precious. Wait did I just call my manager precious. I mean I love her personality but something does feel off. It's like she's hiding something. Maybe Bokuto's constant rambling about me liking Y/n is getting to me.

  Did I just call him by his first name??!! GAH I'm so stupid. He probably thinks I'm weird. He always asks if I'm ok, it's...it's kinda cute but I don't want he to see my other side but still it's cuuuteee. WAIT WHAT? ARG maybe the girls were right. I might have something of a crush on Kashi. HUUH now I'm making nicknames. ARRGGG.

  You stormed off to class and sat not before you manager friends giggled at you. 

   "Why do you look so happy?" Yukie said poking your side.

   "And red as a tomato?" Koari added with holding her laughs.

   "N-nothing......I just bumped into Akaashi in the hall...REALLY THATS ALL" you stammered internally yelling at yourself for getting caught crushing. Wait I'm not crushing...am I? 

   "You know Akaashi never acts flustered or shows any emotion at all?"  Yukie said. You acted surprised. You thought Keji was always a bit shy but cool like that. This made you feel special like he was opening up to you more or something.

   The girls began to tease you ruthlessly. While that was happening Bokuto suddenly jumped beside Akaashi in the hall saying,

   "Akaashi stop trying to hide it", Bokuto said doing his signature eye brow wiggle.

   "Kotaro..  it's not like I have a crus-" Akaashi shut himself up and mentally beat himself up for letting that slip through his mask.

   "OHOOHOO CAUGHT YOU! So you do like Y/n!" Bokuto was then shushed by Akaashi and the teachers. "Akaashi are you ok, your face is red"

   Akaashi then started walking to class hiding his face from Bokuto. Do I like her?

   Y/n peeked through her class door and saw Bokuto walking away with Akaashi who seemed he was trying to hide his face down. But as Akaashi was about to answer his class a girl ran up to him saying something and hugged Akaashi. You felt very sad and empty like you lost something and a little jealous for some reason. He probably doesn't even care about me why am I like this. What Y/n didn't see was that Akaashi was irrataded that this random girl confessed to him and jumped on him to hug him. He politely rejected her and pushed her off walking into class. 

   Akaashi started getting this un easy feeling in his stomach like he lost something but didn't know why. Y/n and Akaashi went through there day at school and during practice Y/n avoided Akaashi. Bokuto, Koari, and Yukie noticed this and started worrying. You left practice early on an excuse that you weren't feeling well. That's when Bokuto knew something was up. Even if you were in so much pain you would act like your ok and push through it. 

   After practice the managers and Bokuto texted you asking what happened, you just answered with excuses and went to bed.

   He 's probably dating that girl. The only reason he was acting like that is probably because he pity's me. I wish I could be his. You thought as you drifted off to sleep staring at the bruises on your arms.

   Helloooooo! Hope you all are doing well with this quarantine. I'm going crazy, I might've killed someone but I'm not sure. HAHA jk jk. Shout out to Harper_Quinn   for giving me some ideas! She's writing her fist book so GO CHECK THAT OUT!! Thanks a bunch :D

Were Enoughすル椅    --~--     𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕩ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ