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When news of the engagement and completed mating, marking, and claim spread through the Kang household in the morning, a raucous celebration ensued. Lilly let everyone know when the wedding would be. Not really to their surprise, Rhia and Lilly had already planned the details of the elegant event for the next full moon. Only family and the closest friends would attend, but that alone put the numbers well into the hundreds. Han and the O'Briens couldn't overlook business associates either. Anne and Jae sat silently watching the frenzy, hand in hand, as they enjoyed their brunch. They knew their friends would be there, so they let their parents work out the rest. Although the wedding was about their love, their families were the foundation for it.

Rhia disappeared for the better part of the day after the initial round of discussions. With a quick visit to Tirna, she let her mother and, surprisingly enough, the king know about the upcoming nuptials. Rhia's family would be coming, and the king would be allowing a celebration to take place in his realm for his people as well. It wasn't every day that a royal match was made. Anne hoped the beginning would repair relationships in her family as well.

With's Lowery's true identity out in the open, the angel began surprising Anne and Jae as he happened to do that morning. Anne filled him in on the details of the rose, and he admired her new mark. Jae proudly preened in the corner. Naturally, Lowery would be the baby's godfather. Nova would be the godmother. Michael and Jess called dibs on baby number two.

More than once in the coming weeks, Lowery took on the new role of cockblock in Jae's life. Frustrated with his beloved's divided attention, Jae decided to take things into his own hands, however. Much to his father's chagrin, Jae stayed naked with Anne as often as he could. He practically became his mate's second skin any time they were alone. His hands pressed some part of her body if she stood close enough. Their attraction ensured their proximity pretty much always, regardless of location. Granted, Jae liked it that way. No, he loved and desired it that way, and Anne felt the same. But the irritation it caused Lowery, who was still trying to appreciate the new situation, made it all that much more satisfying to Jae. With the new level of tantalizing exhibitionism, Lowery decided to stop his unexpected pop-ins and started to call ahead.

Early the following week, Anne finally saw the pack healer, and she confirmed Anne's pregnancy. A beautiful, healthy, hybrid baby would soon join the family. The appointment started a tad rough, however. Having just come into the room, the healer began the confrontation as soon as Anne and Jae sat down.

      "I understand from your mother, Jae, that you didn't mark this lovely young lady when you impregnated her. Is that true?" The healer did not look up from the notes in front of her as she scribbled.

      "I, uh, no. I did not."

      "Well, hot stuff. You are going to have to wait then. You can't mark her now."

Jae's eyes flashed crimson red as his voice grew deep and intense. "What do you mean I can't mark her? She is mine! This baby is mine!"

      "Look. I know that your wolfy side wants to get all possessive and let the world know that they are yours, but this baby was conceived without the vampire bite. We don't know what will happen to the baby if he or she is subjected to the bite's venom at this time. It might also explain why this baby is not sucking mama here dry from the inside. Who's to say? Hybrid babies are always a challenge. You never know what you are going to get with a pregnancy. But honestly, this combination is new to me. Usually, we get light arts with light arts, dark arts with dark arts. You guys have just slammed both sides together inside this bitty thing. By the way, were you two novices not paying attention during health class? No birth control? Oh, nevermind. I forgot. You are true mates. Nothing was going to stop it if it was going to happen."

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