39. Without Teeth

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A pleasant warmth enveloped Anne as she woke on the slightly crisp early fall morning. She felt as though she had slept for a thousand years. Her hand ran over what felt like smooth silk beneath it, and her pillow seemed a bit more firm than what she remembered. For the past few weeks, Lowery's head resting next to hers hindered her own. But this was different. Before Anne even opened her eyes, her nose alerted her to her position. Jae.

Jae's arms provided the security she craved. She relished it. She cherished it. She loved it, and she loved this man. The little lady started to mentally kick herself for taking so long to find her way back here, but she stopped her thoughts in their tracks. The point was that she was there. She was home again.

Jae felt Anne stir as she woke him from his slumber. Like a startled octopus, the hybrid immediately wrapped around his beloved's body, getting the blood flowing to his arm again and pulling her closer to him simultaneously. He kissed her forehead without opening his eyes.

      "Good morning, my beautiful Blue." He gently rubbed the skin on her shoulder as he spoke. Anne lightly moved her fingers over Jae's chest, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

      With her eyes still closed, she murmured. "Good morning, my handsome man."

Neither of them wanted to move and so simply relished each other's touch, comforted by each other's presence. As Anne shifted, Jae's body temperature rose. Draped over him like a blanket, her tight body intimately entwined with his. Jae's long t-shirt didn't provide much of a barrier between them after riding up, uncovering thinner material. Before his problem grew any more significant, Jae broke the moment.

      "Can I make you some breakfast?"

As if on command, Anne's stomach growled. "I'll take that as a 'yes,' " he chuckled at the timing. Anne grunted.

      "I don't want to get up. That sleep was so amazing. It is so much better when I stay with you." She didn't open her eyes as she spoke. Jae kissed her head again before peeling his body away.

      "Keep saying things like that, and I will never let you leave."

Jae quickly pulled on a pair of shorts. The truth is that he never did want her to leave. The couple wanted to spend all of their time together, so why weren't they? It was one more thing they needed to discuss. After ruffling Anne's hair in an attempt to get her to move, Jae headed off to the kitchen.

The smell of bacon and fresh coffee hit Anne's nose first and was all the encouragement she needed to sit up, hop out of bed, throw on some of Jae's shorts, pull her hair up into a messy bun and make her way into the kitchen after freshening up a tad in the bathroom. The oversized t-shirt smelled too much like Jae to take it off, so it remained.

Stretching as she headed into the kitchen, the tee slid off her left shoulder, and Jae scrunched his eyes at what he thought was a bandage. Anne quickly adjusted the shirt, not noticing Jae's new understanding. He let it pass unmentioned.

Anne and Jae finished cooking and setting the table, keeping the conversation light and flirty. Nova and Victor's relationship was the topic of discussion until Anne's thoughts drifted in realization.

      "If Nova is leaving, that means I barely have a month left myself..." She put her fork down, not hungry anymore.

      "That means that you have a little over a month left yourself." Jae put his fork down in reply.

He then reached across the table and took both of Anne's hands in his own before speaking. "A day, a month, a lifetime. I plan on spending it all with you. We will work out the details. I promise." He picked up each hand, one then the other, kissing them both on the knuckles. Anne smiled in response, confident that indeed they would.

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