Chapter 31

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* Authors note:

Hi guys! Thank you for your patience with last week's update. I hope you'll all continue to show me this patience, as a start school in a few days, and have just started going back to work. Please forgive me if I have to skip a week of posting. 

Thanks, guys, leave a vote and a comment :) now onto The Girl I Loved Once!:


The weightroom is empty except for me. I get lost in thought as I press the weight up and down, so lost in thought that I don't notice Lara Jean walk in until she awkkwardly knocks down a stack of cups. I look up to her and smile. I'm still a little burned after the Josh kiss, but I'm not gonna be rude to Lara Jean, I can't be rude to her. 

"Are you here to spot me?" I ask, wiping the sweat off my forehead. 

"I'm here to break up," Lara Jean said. "To fake break up, I mean." My heart drops to my feet and I could feel my face getting flushed. I do a double take. "Wait what?"

"Theres no need to keep it going right? You saved face, and so did I. I talked to Josh and everythings back to normal with us again. And my sister will be home soon. So... you're off the hook!" She said. I tried to search for a hint of sadness in her eyes, but I couldn't find any. 

I nod slowly. "Yeah I guess."

Her smile stabs a knife through my heart, and I'm trying not to get angry or sad or let whatever combination of both bubble up. 

"So, ok then." She says awkwardly, taking the contract out of her bag. "Null and void. Both parties have fulfilled their obligations to each other in perpetuity."

"You carry that around with you?"

"Of course. Kitty's such a snoop. She'd find it in two seconds."

The ski trip I think to myself. We need to stay together for the ski trip. I almost burst at the seams with excitement at my new found excuse to hang around Lara Jean a little longer. As she begins to rip the paper apart, I almost yell, "Wait! What about the ski trip?"

"What about it?"

"You're still coming, right?"

"I'm not gonna go." She says, looking at her feet. 

My eyes widen. I need to convince her. "Come on, Covey! Don't bail on me now. We alreadt signed up and gave the deposits and everything. Let's just go, and that'll be our final hurrah."She begins to protest but I shake my head. "You're going, so take the contract back." I take the paper from her hand, fold it, and place it in her bag. 

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Lara Jean and I are at lunch, when she brings up something before anyone else sits. "Do you know if John McClaren still does model UN?"

"How should I know?"

"I don't know, I was just wondering."


"I think maybe I'm going to the Model UN scrimmage this weekend. I have a feeling he'll be there."

"For real?" I hoot. "If he is, what are you going to do?"

"I haven't figured that part out yet. Maybe I'll go up to him, maybe I won't. I just want to see how he turned out."

"We can look him up online right now and I'll show you." I say. I'm a little defensive, I know Lara Jean sent a letter to him as well. 

"No, that would be cheating I want to see him with my own eyes. I want to be surprised."

"Well, don't bother asking me to go and keep you company. I'm not going to waste my Saturday on Model UN." I respond. I'm lying. I want to go with her. 

"I wasn't planning on asking you to go."

I shoot her a hurt look. "What? why not?"

"It's just something I want to do by myself."

I let out a low whistle. "Wow, the body ain't even cold yet."


"You're a little player, Covey. We aren't even broken up yet and you're already trying to talk to other guys. I would be hurt if I wasn't impressed."

Lara Jean smiles at me, and my heart glows. 

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