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Bakugou's POV

This was a very big day. After being together for 5 years, Shoto proposed to me. And I said yes. And now we're getting married. I'm so fucking nervous.

I check the guest list again to see who RSVP'd. Even though Shoto said I should try to, I didn't invite my parents. They were probably not gonna show up anyways.

My best men, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero, where in the background trying to cheer me up. I wasn't sad I was just very, very nervous. I hadn't seen Shoto all day as well because of the stupid superstition that it's bad luck. Since my parents aren't showing up Aizawa agreed to walk me down the aisle.

I flopped onto the couch in the room, which made Iida, who was also here with Deku, yell at me about how my all white with a black bow tie suit. He hasn't changed a bit.

I took deep breaths and tuned everyone out. If I hadn't I would have had an anxiety attack and that would suck on my wedding day.

"Hey, Kacchan." Deku tapped me on the shoulder. I grunted in response.

"Someone wants to see you." He nervously tells me, pointing to the tent exit. We were at a vineyard inside tents. The chairs set up and people still coming in. I was ecstatic to see that Ms. Reiki could make it with her girlfriend. I could also tell Shouto was happy that his mother was there.

"Tell them they can see me when we finish the ceremony." I continued looking at the guest list.

"Kacchan they want to see you now."

"They can wait."

"No, Kacchan they can't."

"Who is the fucker that can't wait till after the wedding to see me-" I look up. Oh. Now I know why. On the outside of the tent I see my mom and dad. All dressed up for the wedding.

Todoroki's POV

I take a deep breath. I saw Katsuki's parents come in and I'm so nervous. He had told me not to invite them but I felt it would be better if they showed up. So I secretly invited them. Currently I was talking with Ms. Reiki and her girlfriend. After all 5 years I never met her. She was very nice and knew everything about me from what Katsuki told her.

I fixed up my tux. Black and white like a normal one. Though Katsuki jokes about me getting it in red and white. I considered it before he told me he was joking.

Iida and my brother, Natsuo, who I had grown closer too over the years, are my best men.

"I can't believe my little brother is getting married before me." Natsuo whined, making Iida and I laugh.

"I'm sure you will find someone soon." Iida told him.


Finally, the ceremony is starting. I'm at wooden alter covered in white roses. White flower petals in a line leading up to me.

Then the music starts playing. And I see Katsuki walk out of his tent. This is the first time I'm seeing him today and he looks absolutely gorgeous. His white tuxedo really suits him.

But the thing that really makes me happy is that he has a huge smile on his face. Almost in tears. Because both Aizawa and his father, Masaru are walking him down the aisle. I can't help but smile wider.

In front of them is 10 year old Eri. She's the flower girl. After Midoriya and the others saved her, she grew close to Mirio, Aizawa, and all of us in Class 1A. She happily threw the flowers in the air, smiling brightly in her beautiful soft pink dress with flower designs.

Aizawa and Katsuki's sad let him go and took their seats. Katsuki looked at me and mouthed a soft 'thank you.' I nodded. Then we started.

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage..." he kept talking and I kind of tuned him out. Plus I was staring into Katsuki's eyes and how could I not get distracted.

"Now for the rings." Kaminari gave us our rings. I took a deep breath and wrapped my hands around Katsuki's. Then I spoke from the bottom of my heart.

"Katsuki. Years ago, when I was in a tough place. I thought I'd never find happiness. And if someone told me that I'd be this happy today to be getting married to you. I wouldn't believe them. But now I'm here. I'm so happy to be getting married to you. And I'm so happy that you are happy and here today. I really couldn't be happier. Because I love you." I was aware I had repeated myself. But I was just too happy to think of anything else besides happiness. I take his ring and slowly slide it on his ring finger. Now it's his turn.

"Shouto. When I was in a bad place, in the darkness. I never ever thought I'd make it out. I thought no one cared. And I was scared and alone. But then when you walked into that bathroom my life changed. I changed. For the better. And I'm also happy and so deeply in love with you. You brought me light when I thought there was only darkness. You helped me climb out of the abyss I was sinking deeper into. I'm so grateful for you and I really really love you." I could tell he was holding back tears. In all honesty I was too. He slid my ring on my finger. A perfect fit. From the perfect partner.

"Do you, Shouto Todoroki, take this man, Bakugou Katsuki, as your lawfully wedded husband, to love, protect, and defend- In sickness and in health- for as long as you both shall live."

"I do."

"Do you, Bakugou Katsu-"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me. I now pronounce you, Husband and Husband. You may now kiss the-" he was interrupted a second time as we were already kissing. People stood and clapped but I didn't listen, acknowledge, or register any of it. All o was focused on was Katsuki and his soft lips pressed against mine.

Shouto Bakugou and Katsuki Bakugou. The Bakugou's. I really like that. Especially since I don't have my fathers surname anymore.


Wedding pictures where such a chore. Finally after everything it's time for our honeymoon. We are going to a place in America called Las Vegas.

The airplane ride was fine. We had a discussion on the plane. Katsuki said he was happy that his mother and father came to the wedding. Told me they had apologized for neglecting him and never knowing. Promised they'd be in his life more from now on. He thanked me and told me it was a risky move too, punching my arm for not telling him. 

Arriving at Las Vegas was a trip. It was difficult to find a nice place to stay, as our honeymoon suite had been cancelled somehow when we arrived. We managed to find another one though. The honeymoon suite was nice and rose petals filled the bed in the shape of a heart.

"A waste of roses. We aren't going to pick those off the floor when we knock them down." Katsuki groaned. I laughed as we set our bags down.

Katsuki sat on the bed. I sat next to him and gave him soft kisses. Then before I knew it I made my way down to his neck. We undressed and went from there, letting our hands guide us.

Word Count: 1264

Well sorry if this is bad, I tried.

Also the end haha you thought. I cannot write smut and I don't intend to write it anytime soon.

This was fun. Now I shall be done with it forever. Well until I go back and edit some spelling errors and shit.

Also, just as a little update. I'm on chapter 4 of my Bakudeku story. Still thinking of a title for it. Sigh. But yeah. Thank you all for reading. I love you all and your comments are magnificent and so are you! Stay cool, stay safe, and continue being beautiful people.


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