Part 17

447 17 2

Like a bucket full of ice cold water thrown at your body your blood felt cold, too cold perhaps despite the summer heat and the warmth of the man behind you.

You're scared, perhaps more... now that you've experienced death once. Dropping your shopping bags as you can no longer feel your fingers you look at him scared while he on the other hand grinned at how scared you look.

Oh god how he managed to make a simple chuckle felt so threathening was beyond your knowledge, how his chest would shake lightly at his amusement felt uncomfortable yet the frown that soon crept up his brows after he took a whiff of you on your neck made your mind turn blank out of fear.

"Another alpha's scent, to think that you're already taken... hmm, too bad but it doesn't look like your partner has marked you yet"

He said as he nuzzled onto your neck, trembling when you felt him smirk you yelped when you felt a sharp pain on the crook of your neck, so much that you instantly push him away with your wings and covered your fresh injury with your hand. Turning pale when you saw him lick your blood that stuck on the side of his lips with a smirk you grabbed your belongings and ran away as fast as you can, even if you can smell his pheromone stuck on your body you can only think of running away, away from him.

"She's so interesting, hope I can see her again next time and at that time I'll makesure to--"

He chuckled  before disapearing into the wrap gate and into the evening.


Tumbling down to the ground as you gasped for air, you pushed yourself up and ran towards class A's dorm.

Shocked when you slammed the door open you panted heavily as you stared at your shocked dorm mates who flinched when they saw your red wings slowly turn black, without a word you flew inside and up to the stairs with the boost of your wings. Heading towards your room you abruptly stopped when you saw Amajiki sat beside your door perhaps just as shocked when he took a sniff of your distressed pheromone.

Taking notice of the blood on your neck along with the bandage he was about to ask something when you took a step away from him, wings turning pitch black that some black droplest of poison had fell to the floor.

You were scared perhaps terrified even and he noticed that.

Standing up he slowly walked towards you while emiting a calming pheromone but only in vain when you heard Todoroki's voice and so with Bakugou's.

You nearly threw up when their scent had filled the air marking their rage but maybe not as much as your mate who finnaly smelled Dabi's scent on you.

Hugging you who tried to escape from the scene, Amajiki tired to calm you down a little and when you did he nearly gasped when he saw your wings change colour into white with a slight tinge of black at the end of your feathers.

"What happened?"

He asked, biting back his anger when he heard you whimper he was about to go out and look for the person who bit your neck but with you cuddling close to him he decided to do it next time and first treat your injury.

By time you had calmed down, you locked yourself in your nest with Midoriya to explain what happened ofcourse you also told him to not tell the others that Dabi had bit you. Since you wasn't in heat his bite mark would disapear given time but until then it was meant to be a reminder to you and your pair perhaps even to everyone that he already set his eyes on you.

You shivered when you remember how he can easily kill you if he wanted to and hugged Midoriya for comfort, true that you're weak in strength perhaps even much weaker than Mineta if given the chance but you always pushed yourself and kept training your body for any possible measures yet perhaps you look down on this world full of quirks. You had put aside the fact that their quirk can easily over power your martial arts yet letting the thought of it escape your mind the moment you won over Ashido during the sports festival made you realise how weak you are.

Just beacuse they're in the hero course doesn't mean that those outside may do the same, thinking back at how powerless you are infront of a villain made you hate how scared you were.

But its not like you can do anything infront of the man who dared to fight Endeavour right?

Patting your head gently Midoriya then tried to change the topic by asking why your wings was out or how is it okay if they're out.

"I don't know, but as far as I know they doesn't hurt as much as I thought they'd be"


"And when Dabi shot his flames to me I used my wings to block it and somehow they turn redder the more I use them to block the flames?"

"That's so cool!"

Midoriya said before he froze and start muttering stuffs about the porribility of your quirk, currious as much as he is you both then decided to ask the others for training tommorrow.


"Eh?! No way! I don't want Todoroki to murder me!"

Kaminari said as he hid behind Sero who was just as unsure

"Its okay, I already asked Todoroki about it and he said as long as I'm good with it then I'm good... well it took a lot to persuade him though"

You said making Kaminari turn pale, well since its in the middle of school holiday you didn't mind much about it and even if the others doesn't want to help you, you know well that Todoroki and Midoriya would.

Not that you expected to see Bakugou's pack in the training hall tough.

"Then (L/N)-san! Lets start our test training!"

Midoriya said and you nodded, with Todoroki acting as the refree you and Midoriya started almost immedeatly when he started your short match.

Using your wings to block Midoriya's kick the green hair took note of what your wings do while you use them for both offense and defense, throwing Midoriya away from you you decided to take some distance and used your wings to help you but failed when you nearly break your legs from how high you flew if it wasn't for Todoroki and Midoriya's fast reflexes.

"(Y/N)! Midoriya! Are you okay?!"


"Sorry Midoriya-kun, Todoroki too..."

You said as Midoriya gently set you back up on your feet, after a brief explanation of what Midoriya have analyzed during your short spar you only hide yourself within your wings in shame.

"I think her wings harden further if the impact is stronger, so its pretty much like an unbreakable shield if we tried to use force"

"That feels like a huge cheat by itself though"

You said before you frowned

"Wait, then lets try using explosion then!"


Born Different (Bnha fanfic Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ