Part 5

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Scenting you with his own scent, Todoroki was a little happy when you allowed him to do so, walking into your class after being scented by the alpha you both then parted with him going into his own class, has it been just a couple minutes you stepped into your new school and already have you gained unwanted attention from many other students who either looked at you shocked or jealous, maybe thinking you as his mate that he was courting.

You didn't mind since with that  you managed to somewhat avoid any random alphas to want you as his own, not that he dared to piss off a dominant alpha with how heavily he left his scent on you that your scent was barely there for anyone to know what you pheromones smell like. 

School was normal but having some of your teachers to suspiciously look over to you in recognition made you feel slightly uncomfortable but nothenless you was happy when lunch break finally came, walking up to Todoroki's class you chirped happily as you called out to him gaining his classmate's attention and him who instantly walked over to you with his usual blank face. Excusing yourselves from the others the two of you walked to the cafetaria where a delicious scent of pastry greeted your nose, currious you tried to look for the scent's owner but only to no avail since you didn't want to go far from Todoroki's protection. Something that an alpha like him can do, which was to keep other alphas off from you, an omega.

eating your lunch while making some random jokes every now and then  while telling him how your day went he was happy to see that you were enjoying your first day at school while in exchange he had a sudden test that made you chuckle while wishing that you can join in the fun, except for the part where you have to use your quirk for the test.

"(Y/N), you have a rice on your cheek"

he said as he wipe the rice off with a tissue and flinched when you suddenly froze at your spot, a very unpleasant scent of dead fish took your interest and instantly it made your omega react and you looking for the scent owner, confusing Todoroki at the process. franticly looking around the cafetaria while you stood up on your spot you instantly slumped back in disapointment when the scent disapeared making Tdoroki more confused when you looked disapointed without him knowing.

after that incident, it seems like Todoroki was a little on edge when you became a little hostile to him when he tried to scent you whenever lunch break ended but ended up apologizing, this continued until at one time the school alarm went off which put many omegas in distress from the panick and some alphas becoming a little violent because of their omega's distress but soon calmed down when the situation was explained by Iida Tenya but that didn't really help you who can sniff out the same distressed scent yet you gave up on searching the person without a second thought.

with the event on the cafetaria have passed you know what will happen next as everything was happening the same way things are progressed in the anime, wanting to protect your school or your childhood friend from encountering the villains you know you have to atleast try to do something yet something inside you told you not to and you complied.

Just like that you cried your eyes out when you met him after the U.S.J incident, while you let the story continue except for the fact that you came to befreind some students in class A and some in your own class with your easy going nature, even the violent alpha Bakugou became docile around you, maybe a sign of him accepting you into his own pack but you were still stuck close to Todoroki since only he can give you a sense of protection in the alphas that was checking out most of the new omegas in the first year, and you who was once famous because of your incident in junior high was no exception, more like many sought you out but only to flee when Todoroki's alpha was unhappy at how many alphas have took interest in his only pack member who was an omega.

looking at the crowd of students who've filled the exit and entrance to class A you tried to squeeze your way in only to be pushed away by other students and sensing your distress Todoroki, Bakugou, Sero and Ashido easily silenced the crowd to help their pack member who timidly thanked them before going home with Todoroki. Taking note to be more careful when going into class A you silently shivered at how scary an angry alpha's pheromone are to your omega.

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