Part 3

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"(Y/N)? What's wrong? You look like you're having a fever"

Todoroki said as he reached his left hand to touch your forehead, despite being a year younger than him you managed to get into the same class as him since everything you learned before your death basically just repeat itself in this world so you didn't particularly struggle with your studies instead you were on top of your class making many whisper bad rumours about you being a cheater or used your body to get a high score in test.

"Eh? Do I look like I have a fever?"

you asked him making him frown and stopped on his tracks when he took a whiff of your sweet scent. As an alpha he was sensitive to an omega's heat but since your heat has yet to take place he quickly pulled you with him to push you back into your house shocking your mother when she heard the door slammed roughly and immedeatly checked only to see you banging the door that wouldn't budge.

"Shou-chan! Open the door! Why are you doing this suddenly?!"

you shouted as your mother rushed to your side when she took a whiff of your scent. Thanking the bi haired boy internally she tried to calm you down before explaining to you what was going on as she took you into your room. Experiencing your first heat was a little confusing for you especially having your omega instincts to take control over your mind was too much for you but wanting to relief the growing need of an alpha's was too much as your omega started to make a nest of any clothing you have in your wardrobe and even your dolls and freshly washed blankets was crumpled into your nest that might also be taken in as a messy pile of clothing and blankets but overall it was cozy and oddly neat enough to let 2 people in your nest.

on the other hand Todoroki was experiencing his first rut, perhaps affected by your pheromones after all unlike a normal omega you sometimes showed a dominant and was slightly aggressive  to those who hurt him, even at times he would see you protecting an omega despite ending up with him protecting you and the omega from curious alphas who tried to have their way with the naturally submissive omegas which made you the idol for many omegas in your school while some was being defensive out of instinct and you didn't really mind since all you wanted was nothing but peace for the omegas who suffered from the discrimination many burdened them with.

"I'm sorry Shouto-kun for always making you take care of our daughter"

your mother apologized as your little brother played with Todoroki a week after that, even though he was there in your house you couldn't even come near or come out from your room because of your heat that has yet to calm down. Looking at your mother he shook his head slightly

"No I should be the one who have to thank you miss (L/N), after all if it wasn't for (N/N) I wouldn't be here today. Its because I know she's trying her best in her own way that I can be the alpha I am now... and I want to become an alpha who can protect her and she can rely on in the future! So, I'm very grateful to her"

Smiling at the bi haired teen she can only hoped for the best for the growing pups and was very happy to know that she can rely on the young one to protect her little omega when she's not there.

"Then, I'll leave her in your care during the time I can't stay beside her Shouto-kun"

your mother said as the bi haired alpha only nodded and promised that he will protect her at all cost now that she've experienced her first heat, giving him some supressants for an omega your mother made sure to give him the stronger supressants in case of emergency, ofcourse she left some for you to bring  since you're an omega and any kind of measurement was very much nescessary with how defenseless and how oblivious you are to almost everything.


Another week have passed and finally you came out from your room with your signature smile on your face, greeting your family and taking a couple sandwiches your mother have prepared for breakfast with you, you happily skipped out from your house and greeted Todoroki who was shocked to see you, greeting him and giving him a hug to show how much you've missed him in the past 2 weeks of your heat he can feel a blush burn his cheeks as you did so'

"Shou-chan... you didn't missed me?"

Playing hurt you managed to gain his attention and took the chance to shove one of the sandwiches you have into his mouth before walking ahead of him with a grin, happy to meet the outside world after locking yourself in your room without letting anyone including your beta brother and father into your room, since your mother was an alpha that doesn't have an omega pair she couldn't even dare herself to come near your room and honestly you was grateful about it because it would've been too much for you to handle if a random alpha just walked into your room during your heat.

"Come on! We're going to be late to school if you're just going to stand there!"

You said making him smile slightly before walking towards you with his usual poker face

Born Different (Bnha fanfic Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя