Part 2

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Many incidents have occurred not long after you made your promise with Shouto and without even knowing it a long painful year have passed since. Now at your last months of your 4 years of age you were having a fever in a hospital with your parents who was heavily injured because of your sudden quirk outburst when you were just relaxing with your parents when a sudden burst of pain filled your body making your parents look over at you in worry, a second before your wings burst out of your back throwing your parents away from you who was screaming in pain.  

dark liquid like wings soon melted leaving you cry in pain when your quirk was nothing but a burning acid that burn your skin, asking help to your parents who frantically tried their best to help you was something you regretted when you unwillingly use your quirk to attack them both until their skin was left with burn marks of your own quirk which made you scream at the splatters of blood in your own house. Hearing the odd event of your household your neighbours called the police for help where soon they came and seek help to the heroes when you were being protective of your unconscious and heavily injured parents. Out of fear you attacked the heroes until you fell unconscious from the pain that was eating you alive.

running a high fever as your body was covered in bandages you weakly looked around the hospital room only to find that you were quarantined while you can see your parents was crying outside the window that separate you and your parents, machines stood around your bed as they were there to support your already weak body alive with what little support they can give your body. not knowing what your quirk are, you clearly wasn't interested either since it pains you to see your parents covered in injuries you've gave them from just getting your own quirk but all in all you was unhappy to not able to come close to your loving parents.

reaching out your tiny hand to them who was across and outside your room tears streamed down your eyes as a weak smile escaped your lips

" da...ddy..."

you whispered weakly before letting sleep drag you into a long slumber, visiting you every now and then was Fuyumi, Touya and Natsuo since you grew very close with the 4 siblings it was a shock for them to find out that you nearly got yourself murdered by your own quirk just by getting it. The news was very much a shock to your neighbourhood especially for Shouto who was very close to you, looking at the machines that supported your tiny body felt too much for many, because for them your smile and kindness alone was more than enough to help cheer them up.

A month after you awaken your quirk you were finally out from quarantine and finally allowed to have visitors to greet you which made many happy of the news and was relieved when you were smiling like you always do and thanked them for visiting you while you also apologized for making them worry about you. But your smile disappeared as soon as you know they left, instead tears flowed down your cheeks when you were relieved to know that your quirk wasn't activated nor cause harm to everyone, yet in your silent cries of relief Shouto was outside your room to listen to your silent pain without being able to help or comfort you since he didn't know how or maybe because he was scared of how you'll only hide everything to yourself with your usual smile and that fact too was something your parents come to realise when they once tried to tell you if you're alright or not and you only smiled at them but not long after they leave you alone they can hear you cry, the reason was fear, fear of killing someone without even knowing.

and not long after your quirk incident Shouto's mother was admitted to the mental hospital and the boy too suffered a burn from the hot water she splashed on his face, So many incidents happened but most was what you've predicted after watching the anime but what you didn't expect was the fact that Shouto slowly becoming yoir personal emotional support while you became his only sanctuary in many things his father and the world have prepared for both of you, that too includes the fact that he was a dominant alpha and you being an omega which made those who was once close to you to take distance except for Shouto and his siblings and your ever so supportive parents who gave you a beautiful little brother who was 7 years younger than you.

Protecting and protected is your relationship with Shouto, but oddly you were best friends despite him being aloof and awkward most of the time and you being very out going and positive but only as a mask in front of your classmates, hiding not only your weak side you too decided to hide your own quirk and acted like a quirkless person you were once were before you was reincarnated.

Unlike Midoriya you have a childhood friend who you can rely on whenever you needed support or when someone dared to take advantage of your kindness and how defenseless you are, sometimes it almost feel like Shouto had a hard time taking care of you being very oblivious to danger, either in primary or in junior high he felt like it was something he atleast can do to help you and perhaps stay beside you to satisfy his growing feelings toward you who was very oblivious of it.

but can friendship last forever between an omega and an alpha?

Born Different (Bnha fanfic Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora