Part 8

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you shouted as loud as you can as you searched for your childhood friend, finding him sitting beside unconscious Midoriya you only stood at the door when you can feel his death glare on you but soon softened when he realised it was you, walking towards him who rushed to your side you cried your eyes out as you thanked the gods when your childhood friend was alright, even if you know he will be alright  in any kind of things that happened in the original story you still can't help but to be worried for him.

Once you've calmed down you then searched for your pack members and cried again, relieved to know that everyone was alright except for Bakugou, you tried to calm Kirishima down a little but to no effort so you have no choice but to ask him if he want to save Bakugou or not which he said yes.

"but (Y/N), why are you asking me that?"

"Its... because... he's our leader right? Not only that... I feel like so powerless... even though you're all my pack members... I feel like its always me who was always been protected... so! Just this once... please... just please let me  help you... I hate it when all I can do is just wait for you guys to come back from dangerous places while all I do is just relax in my nest without knowing anything!"

you cried making him bite his lips feeling guilty for making you worry about their safety whenever they jumped into danger, comforting you with what little experience he have soon you fell asleep after crying so much. half an hour later Todoroki came a little relieved to see his chidhood friend was sleeping with Kirishima protecting you from anyone suspicious.

"Thank you Kirishima for taking care of (Y/N), her mother just called me if she's alright or not"

Todoroki said  as he crouched down in front of the two omega with a small smile tugging his lips

"Even though she's always so carefree and facing danger wherever she go, it seems like she hasn't been sleeping ever since we we went for training camp because she's worried is what her mother said and it seems like someone from her class managed to save her  when a random upper classman was about to attack her"

Todoroki said with a frown making Kirishima flinch when he heard she was almost attacked by a random person 

"its almost as if she cared for others more compared to herself.."

Kirishima said and Todoroki nodded

"Yeah, she's always like that ever since we're small and it only got worse ever since she got her quirk and learned that she was an omega. She's strong, but that strength too masked how frail she is. Perhaps that's why I always find myself trying to protect her before I know Midoriya was my soulmate"

Todoroki said as he tucked your hair behind your ear looking a little sad as he did so

"I never tried to see what she's looking at, nor do I understand her worry. Because unlike me, she always accept everything with a smile even after knowing everyone's pain.... but no one ever tried to ask hers. So... I regretted my choice when I tried to make her my mate, after all... I can't be the one who stand beside her and I bet... no one can be with her other than someone who's strong enough to protect and understands her"

He said with a lonely smile making Kirishima feel a little syphathetic towards you, feeling as if it was rather late the 2 retreated back to their room with you staying with Kirishima.

The next evening everyone was happy to know that Midoriya woke up and that too includes you who barely able to contain your excitement and nearly jumped at the omega but luckly Todoroki stopped you before you can even hurt his omega by your excitement, leaving the room only to return back to his room a minute later you flinched when you saw Todoroki guarding his room and nearly fled at his murderous pheromone. Trying to ask what was going on you can only bite back the urge to ask and went to look for Kirishima instead.


"Eh?!! You asked Midoriya to join our rescue team?! Are you crazy?! And not to mention infront of Todoroki too!"

You half shouted in disbelief as you stand beside him in the exit stairs, covering his face after letting out a sigh that seemed to have released some of his anger and worry you only frowned as he sat on the stairs with his head down.

"Kirishima-kun... don't tell me.... you're planning to ask Midoriya to become his mate?"

You can see his body involuntarilly jumped at your question making your blood boil at his thoughts yet you held back the urge to hit him.


You asked as you walked down the stairs to kneel infront of him who was trying his best to hold back his tears, knowing how stressful it must be for his omega to know that his alpha was kidnapped and not knowing what his alpha was doing you know that it must've been hard for him but more so when you now know that he planned on having his mate mark Midoriya.

"Its just... I thought... Bakugou will be much better off with Midoriya instead of me... because at that time when Midoriya found out that Todoroki was his- no, even long before that... I know... that... Bakugou...."

Kirishima trailed off making you hug him as he cried on your shoulder, gently patting his back to comfort him with what little you can do. You can only hummed softly when he apologized to you for trying to hurt yoir childhood friend and you only smiled as you said its okay and tried to talk about something else to try and lift up his omega's mood that gradually improoved when you talk about some sweets or some good stores that sells gluffy goods before soon you both head out to wait for Midoriya outside

Born Different (Bnha fanfic Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora