2 - Nothing to Lose

Start from the beginning

"You?" she said while the man just laughed.

"Yes, me," he replied, his plump lips quirking up into an amused smile as his hand came up to slightly push his light brown locks out of the way.

"You going to turn us in or what?" Charlie asked, just wanting this all to be over. They were so close, but she should have known better. Finding all that money was just too good to be true.

The man's smile widened at her question. "I have a better idea. Why don't you two come with me," he suggested. The man introduced himself as Jin before he motioned for them to follow him while he walked towards the parking lot. "You know, I would like my wallet back as well," he shouted back to them while Charlie and Jungkook exchanged a glance.

Jungkook then turned back to the man behind them, who just motioned for them to move forward. Charlie felt nervous and scared as they walked towards the large black van that now had the side door opened. When they approached, she took out the wallet from her back pocket and handed it to Jin. She paused before getting in, pulling the watch out of her bra too while Jin raised his brow, staring down at her while she climbed into the car, wondering what the hell they just got themselves into.


Yoongi sat at his desk, staring at the two teens before him, his expression blank. He glanced back up at Jin, who nervously shifted on his feet as he stood right behind Charlie and Jungkook.

"So you mean to tell me that the casino almost got robbed by two fucking kids?" Yoongi asked, his voice dangerously low. Both Charlie and Jungkook felt intimidated by the man, his power radiating from him as everyone in the room was nervous around him... well, everyone aside from Namjoon.

Namjoon stood behind the dark-haired man, an amused smirk on his lips as he observed the two young kids that Jin brought in. His eyes then met Jin's as he spoke. "Damn, you really fucked up this time," he mused, causing Jin to scowl at the blonde, not in the mood for his jokes.

"Look, I figured with their skills, we can work on training them and they can join the te-" Jin started only to stop when Yoongi looked at him. Jin gulped, trying to muster up the courage to speak again. He lowered his head, avoiding Yoongi's gaze. "We need more people," he uttered. "You know as well as I do that Ganghan is getting strong and expanding their so called business. I saw one of their guys the other night at the Bleeding Rose, close to our territory," he informed him, causing Yoongi to sit up a bit more, listening intently. "I think they're involved in something else," he said, trying not to elaborate since he didn't want to expose too much with Charlie and Jungkook in the room. He glanced at the girl before looking at Yoongi, hoping that his boss would understand the message, which he grasped as he realized that Ganghan was involved with more than just drugs.

Namjoon leaned in closer to him, making sure to keep his voice hushed as he spoke to his leader. "He's right, you know that Hoseok's been talking about leaving, so it can't hurt to take them in," he reasoned while Yoongi looked up at him.

"If we're going to do this, then they are your fucking responsibility. You're in charge of training them and filling them in on the business, and don't hold back, they need to be prepared," he replied in a hushed tone before turning back to look at Charlie and Jungkook.

"How the fuck did you manage to get into the casino anyway?" he asked, but neither of them responded, both still nervous by Yoongi's presence. He then turned his attention to Jin, whose face flushed.

"She stole my wallet and found the access card," he mumbled, causing Namjoon to snicker.

"Oh, this is fucking gold," he uttered, a dimpled smile on his face as he looked up at Jin.

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