Chapter eight

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" Hmmm... I guess you won... which school would you like to go to?"

Her e/c eyes bore into her fathers, she was happy that she can finally go to school instead of being homeschooled.

' This seems familiar... is this what you call Deja Vu?'

She thought, feeling as though she was re-living a dream or a moment that happened in her life.

" Ouran High School"

" Why won't you look around while I and your father do some paper work?" She snapped out of her thoughts, looking up to see the person who is the founder of the school and her father. She nods her head, standing up and leaving. Her father turns and looks at the founder of Ouran.

" She's a smart girl, but are you seriously not paying for her things?" The father nods.

" She needs to learn that the world does not just give you things even if your rich or have power. You will always have to work for it." The founder nods his head in agreement.

" But you could be a little easier on her" her father looks out the window.

" Oh, I am... I'm paying for her uniform and other things she needs for school, but she's in charge of getting into the school."

She walked around, walking down the various halls as she looked around. The walls all seem to be the same, but she notices a few minor things that made each hallway unique.

' Hell, if I can tell Hikaru and Kaoru apart, then that means I can tell hallways apart'

She stopped walking, realizing what she just thought.

' Wait... I meant my Hina, Hana, Akio, Aki'

She continues to walk, looking out the window to see the sight of the school. She stops, looking around.

' I wish you were here mom....'

Suddenly, a squeaking noise was heard, having Y/n suddenly turn her head to see a small pink bunny that looked like a stuffed animal. She raises a brow as the bunny looked up at her before running off.

" Huh?... wait-"

She chases after the bunny, the bunny was far faster than her, having her fall behind slightly out of breath. Suddenly the bunny runs into a room, having Y/n slow down and catch her breath. She looks up, seeing what room she was walking into.

" The Music room?" She asks, before looking back at the door, determined to catch the bunny. She opens the music room doors, looking around to try and find this bunny anywhere, that's when she spotted a table with sweets. Slowly she walks over to it and looks at them, she spotted that there were only two, and each of them had a note by them. She picks one up.

" If you think you're short, you truly need to take a bite of this..." she looks down from the note and down at the sweet. It looked quite delicious, and she wouldn't mind eating it.

Slowly she reaches her hand down to grab a sweet, taking a small bite.

Her e/c eyes widen as everything around her got bigger, sep for her and her clothes. She looks around, seeing the once small door was her size. That's when she realized, she had shrunk.

Soft piano ( Ouran High School Host Club x reader)Where stories live. Discover now