Chapter 11

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Donovan brought chamomille tea to Elizabeth as she sat on a stool before the you lad entered.

"Where is Charles?" She asked before he recalled how he put Montgomery to sleep. The owner of the inn slept on the floor, snoring.

"Sleeping by the fireplace." He responded, showing a lopsided smile.

Elizabeth took a sip from the tea while Donovan walked to the bereau to grab the gas lamp. A sigh of relief escaped her lips after she drank her tea. She walked to the door.

"Right this way." Donovan opened the door all gentleman like as the elderly woman walked through the door.

Barbara and Marvin walked out of the cave looking worse for wear. I can't believe this. She thought before her bloodshot eyes laid upon the merchant after the whole ordeal. She glared at him on their way to the caravan. It was only before they made it halfway there did he notice the monobrowed girl glaring at him. "...what?"

"After what you did, you still act like nothing happened." She reprimanded him. "I want the map. Where is it?" She demanded.

"Now is not the time." He really didn't have the energy to argue, the goblin took one of his precious items and they have a deadline. It wasn't the time to demand for something as trivial as a map.

"Why not?! I already finished my end of the bargain, or was this your plan from the start?" She accused him.

"What?! No!" Marvin yelled.

"Then prove it!" She protested, raising a fist.

Marvin scowled as he grabbed that he had within the straps of his armor and held it on his hand before he opened it showing her the map. "If you want it you have to take it from me."

"Give me the map!" She shouted while she tried to snatch it from him. "MARVIN!" She ran after him. Meanwhile at the village, Donovan brought Elizabeth to her home.

"Here we are."
"Thank you, dearie."
"You're welcome. If you find her, tell her I said hello. Farewell, Mrs. Corretjer." He waved goodbye as he took the gas lamp with him along with the light as it got farther and farther away.
"Farewell, dearie."

Barbara got down from the merchant's caravan by three in the morning. The drowsiness fell heavy on her face.

"I will give you the map if you promise that you will come with me to get the goblet, deal?"

"Fine." She mumbled as she trudged barefoot, the soles of her feet cramped, limping on her way to the swamphouse. "But after this is over, I'm done heloing you." She responded weakly, her bloodshot eyes evident as her eye lids were getting heavy. She opened the door and went inside hoping that the horrible night to end so that she can finally get some rest.

As the next day came, life continued as usual. The villagers resumed with their daily lives while the caravan stayed in the same spot as it did two days ago. Elizabeth resumed to work on the dress, starting with the white thread that she placed on the rod to sew on the sewing wheel, though she needed to finish the other two that she had been working on.

Meanwhile at the forge, Edwin and Donovan worked long hours to sharpen swords and heat them at the furnace. Edwin was hammering the boiling blade as he put the blade in cold water for it to simmer down.

"Edwin, I've been meaning to ask you something... have you seen Barbara?" Donovan asked, Edwin remembered his encounter with Barbara perfectly.

Barbara was choking Catherine with her bare hands, he had to act fast or she would've died in the hands of that monster.

"After I'm through with you. I'm gonna make you wish that you were sick."

Edwin held a tight grip on the mallet before he shouted. "Let go of her, you WICKED WITCH!" He swung the mallet to her skull and knocked her down with one hit, then he dashed to catch Catherine. Not knowing if she killed her or not.

"No, I haven't. Why do you ask?" Edwin queried.

"Mrs. Corretjer is looking for her. I was hoping you would've seen her." Donovan said to him.

"Are you sure you're not asking me because you're interested in her?" Edwin asked in attempts for Donovan to desist on the matter.

"Don't change the subject! This is serious, I've never seen Mrs. Corretjer act like this." Donovan insisted.

"It's common for women to act hysterical, specially elderly women." Edwin dismissed it as if was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Edwin, I'm certain tha-"

"-that you've been working for Charles for too long. If it will make you feel better, we'll go where she lives. If she's there, we'll go tell Elizabeth that she is fairing well." Edwin responded as he put a hand on Donovan's shoulder as if they were close friends.

"And if she's not." He surmised.
"Then we tried." Edwin said.
"A second thought, I'll go do it myself." If Edwin was going to be of no help, it would be better off if he went by himself.

"Glad to help." Edwin gave a smile while Donovan walked to the threshold.
"Very funny, Ed." Donovan deadpanned while he narrowed his eyes without giving Edwin a second glance.

Barbara woke up at early noon, the monobrowed young woman started her day by washing her face, even though the swampwater wasn't exactly clean. With what little food she could find in the swamp, she brought a dead lizard home before she cut  the reptile in pieces. While the tail was being cooked in the fire, Barbara coated the rest of lizard with salt in order to preserve it.

Once I finish eating I will prepare my belongings along with the meat for the trip that lies ahead. Barbara thought as she cleaned her hands.

Donovan wiped the sweat from his forehead before he resumed hammering the rest of the weapons that need to be forged for the day.

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