Chapter 2

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A blonde maiden met up with her beloved and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her passionately. They broke the kiss to look at each other in the eyes.

"I'm glad that I stopped showing up from work for a couple of days to spend more time with you." Catherine said to him before giving him another kiss.

"And I'm glad to see you," he heard her giggle, "we hardly spend time alone together." He said in a whisper. They both grinned, but before the couple could lean in for another kiss, they heard a screech.


That made the crows fly away, and disrupted the peace of the young couple.


"Watch your language, young lady! You're lucky that I'm too tired to punish you." Elizabeth reprimanded her, barely having the strength to yell.

"Auntie! Can't you see that she used you?" Barbara tried reasoning with her though her aunt barely had the strength to stand up again.

"Give it a rest. I need a rest." Elizabeth trudged before stopping in front of the stairs.

"Well excuse me for caring! She is the one who buried you with all the work while she goes prancing around with her leman! I bet that she wasn't sick at all, it was just a way for you to pity her so she could sneak off and leave you." She ranted, pacing back and forth.

"Enough!" She shouted. "I know Catherine, she may be quite absentminded at times but she would not abandon her work on purpose." Barbara raised her monobrow in disbelief.

"For goodness sake auntie! You're too nice and too oblivious to notice that Cathy is a spoiled brat! She has you wrapped around her little finger and you are foolish enough to let her get away with it." Elizabeth smacked her own niece for that remark. Barbara felt the burn of her handprint on her cheek.

"I will not allow you to disrespect me again. Is that clear?!" She snapped, her aunt's blue eyes were the most fiery when she got enfuriated. Barbara glared at her for a second before turning away to clean up and do the errands of her aunt's household.

Barbara got out by sundown and was not far from leaving the village, in the corner of her eye she saw a couple kissing and heard her peculiar laugh.

"Well look at what I found, a treacherous tramp with her lap dog." Her laughter stopped when she saw Barbara in her default scowl.

Speak of the devil.

Catherine sighed wearily. "What do you want, unibrow?" Catherine crossed her arms.

"I want you to stop lying to my aunt and taking advantage of her. I don't care what you do with the ugly goat that you have for a suitor, but if you mess with my family, you're messing with me." Barbara started.

"At least I have more class than you, you hideous wench." Edwin replied.

"I'm not talking to you, knave. This is between women." Barbara said as she approached to the blond. Catherine sneered.

"Don't you dare talk to my man that way!"

"What man? He's more of a dirty rat or a scrawny boar than a man." Barbara dismissed him, then tsked.

"You are just jealous." Edwin commented while Catherine flipped her hair back.

"Who asked you?" Barbara sneered before looking at Catherine. "Listen here, Cathy! If you take advantage of my aunt again, you are going to regret it." Barbara warned her, glaring at her.

"Regret what?" She held her fists against her hips, raising her chin to look at her straight in the eyes. "The fact that I took a couple of sick days to spend time with my beau? Well guess what? Yes, I lied! Get over it! Instead of reprimanding me for not being present at your aunt's little sewing business. Where were you?" Catherine asked her.

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