The rat-person turned to you, still smiling. "Miss [Y/n], correct? I'm Nezu, the principal of U.A. High School. I know you're probably wondering what I am, but I assure you that nobody else is sure either. Detective Tsukauchi filled me in a bit about your current situation. If what you're saying is true, you have no place to stay or go, right?"

Hesitantly, you nodded, a frown tugging downwards at your lips. "And I don't really know how to get back to my, um, world either." It hurt even worse to say that part out loud, but you couldn't lie. That wouldn't help you get back at all, and wouldn't improve your situation. Nezu nodded as if he expected it, and he nodded once, looking certain of his next words.

And boy, did they throw you for a loop.

"Well, the school year just started, but until we can get you back to your world, I'd like you to consider joining the hero course at our school. If you're there, you will be provided with a place to stay and will have your secret kept safe with a few of the pro-heroes." You mulled over his words, and he continued to speak, seeing the interest on your face. "Did they tell you about quirks?"

You hesitated. Technically it was mentioned, but you had no idea on what one was still, and so you shook your head, and Nezu nodded again as if he had expected that response all along. "A quirk is... a super power, of sorts. Detective Tsukauchi said that you had a healing ability - here, that would be called a quirk."

You finally decided to speak up again, cutting him off. There was something personable about Nezu that made you feel more at ease. Maybe it was his matter-of-fact speaking and his way of explaining things to you, or maybe it was the fact that he believed you wholeheartedly and wasn't treating you like a ticking time bomb from a different world. Whatever the reason was, it made you feel more comfortable and relaxed, and so you had no problem explaining to him (however briefly) about your nen and your abilities outside of healing.

"Sort of. I mean, I can heal, but I'm not, like, limited to that." Your voice came out unsure and almost rushed as you tried to think of how to explain nen to somebody who had never heard of it before. "There're five categories of nen, and I fall under the enhancer category. Nen can be used to maybe run faster, or punch harder. Special nen abilities are called hatsu - mine allows me to heal myself when I go into a state of meditation, and it also allows me to boost my other capabilities? So I can, like, enhance my senses or strength or speed. So it's not just healing."

You really sucked at explaining things.

Thankfully, it seemed Nezu understood - or at least had an idea of what nen could be, because he nodded again, glancing over at the two. "This is quite the predicament you're in. I understand that it might be overwhelming here, Miss [Y/n], but I do believe it's in your best interest for you to stay at U.A. under the eyes of heroes for the time being."

Damn, this talking rat (no offense to Nezu, as he had been nothing but kind to you) talked better than you. However, you couldn't help but catch the tone in his voice, signaling there might be something more, or maybe it was his wording. Under the eyes of pro-heroes. While it was under the guise to keep you safe, you felt like they might also find you suspicious still. It sucked to be treated like a criminal of sorts, but at the same time...

I can't say I really blame them, you mused. Besides, despite the nice words and offers, you had a feeling this wasn't really a choice you could make, and so you nodded, determination setting across your face. Don't get it wrong - you were still afraid. Afraid that you wouldn't ever see your friends or home world again, afraid you were stranded for good, but you couldn't let that deter you. You were 16 years old! No longer a child, which meant that you needed to suck it up and play with the cards you have been dealt. This could be a fun experience anyways, right?

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