,,What if-", and then I was interrupted my Antonio who took my hand and pulled me out of the dining room.

He even went up the stairs with me wow.

,,What the hell are you doing", I glared at him when he pushed me into my room.

,,Saving you before dad loses his control, idiot", he said while throwing himself on my bed.

,,But I wanted him to lose his control", I stood up for myself.

,,You like getting punched? Is that a new fetish?", he said while looking at me with a creepy smile.

,,No dumbass, I want him to get me bruises and the people at the gala maybe will notice the bruises and will suspect something", I explained while sitting on my bed.

,,You really think that would work? First of all he would probably make you wear something that will cover your bruises or he would get some make up artist that would cover it", he explained.

,,Shit yea"

,,See so I just saved your ass"

You could have saved my ass a lot of times.

But you didn't.

,,Whatever, get out of my room", I threw pillows at him until he got his flat ass out of my room.

,,Whatever, get out of my room", I threw pillows at him until he got his flat ass out of my room

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since when can that fucking alarm speak.

Wait wasn't that Antonios voice-

and well after I landed on the ground.

He threw me on the ground but honestly I don't give a fuck, I can also sleep here.

,,Why the fuck are you still asleep, you have 15 minutes before we go", he said while kicking me slightly with his feet.

,,You dumb bitch you didn't wake me up", I said half asleep to that dumb alarm.

,,God how did I land in this family, just dress up and let's go", he whined.


,,Yes sir, now fuck off", I started to stand up and ran to my bathroom.

I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth, no time for a shower.

Okey okey what do I wear.


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