Tangled Webs: Eight

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Saturday comes, and Chaeyoung is secretly happy to see she's not the only one complaining about going to this party.

Déjà vu.

The three of them all coincidentally color-matched in sombre and dark, to reflect their mood, while Lisa is in tight blue jeans and a red shirt. The youngest is oblivious to their reluctance at leaving their dorm as she chatters away while they put on their shoes even as Jennie struggles with her laces to buy some time.

It doesn't work since Lisa just kneels down and ties the laces herself, giving Jennie a big smile when her task is successfully completed.

The rapper mouths a 'sorry' to the two other girls as she has no choice but to get up. Still, before they leave, Jennie warns Lisa as politely as possible to stop letting BamBam drag them left and right to parties when he really just wants her to go.

A subtle warning in case Bambam has any ideas about an upcoming third party.

"You're crazy," is Lisa's answer to Jennie's words, looking baffled. Then she starts her usual rambles on how they're childhood friends so of course they're close! And how there has never been more than friendship between them, and that friends attend each other's parties, it's in the friend code.

Familiar with the music, her three members tune her out and Jisoo even shushes her when they arrive downstairs where the taxi is already waiting for them.

The ride is rather silent and Chaeyoung spends it watching the nightlife outside the window. Groups of people walking on the sidewalks, laughing. Other cars zooming past them, eager to get where they're heading. All the different lights of the buildings, bright and inviting.

Next to her, Jennie is pressed to her side, glued to her phone with a bored look on her face.

Chaeyoung holds back a sigh. Hopefully this evening will go smoothly.

The ride isn't too long and they reach their destination soon enough. The Seventeen dorm.

It's funny really, that during the first three years of her idol career, she barely had any run-in with that group and now in such a short time, that name is everywhere on her path.

They enter, Lisa at the front as BamBam gave her directions to reach their dorm safely, and BamBam is there to greet them when they knock on the door as if he owns the place. He beams at the blond girl the moment he sees her.

Lisa probably texted him the moment they got out of the taxi and he waited for them - her - at the door.

"I'm so right and she's so blind," Jennie whispers next to her as they watch the both of them smile at each other, and Jisoo and Chaeyoung nod their agreement.

Lisa can be oblivious sometimes.

With a sigh, Chaeyoung looks away from the pair to see Woozi coming toward her, and she bows her head in greeting. When she straightens, he smiles brightly at her. She smiles lightly in return, Jungkook's words still in her head but she refuses to let them influence her. Instead, she's determined to act normally around him.

They start talking and her members all branch away in different directions while she stays close to the living room with Woozi.

He's acting like he always has with her, no traces of the man Jungkook described. His eyes are as kind, his smiles as genuine as before.

He's chatting about some issue with one of their managers wanting to come by tonight and his whole group trying by any means possible to keep him away, means that pull a smile out of her.

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