"I'm sorry that happened phi" Tee is sad too, he thought his mother in law will change with what happened to her husband. Not everyone can change easily.

"It's okay baby. I will keep giving her enough money for her needs. I will not give her more than that, not because I'm an ungrateful son but because I want her to change"

"I understand it Phi. I support your decision, it's all for the best. Let her be at this moment, maybe in the future she will come to us" Tee helps to calm Tae.  Tae smiles and nods his head, happy with Tee by his side.

"Tee, never trust anyone easily, including my parent. No matter what happened, I will not bring them to our house, no matter what happened" Tae is sterns this time.

"I will follow whatever you decide phi, I know it is for the best"


They shares their moment together as long as they can before their son come home. Today Mika has judo practice, he will be late but Godt will send Mika home after this.

Tee let Tae get shower and rest a bit before their dinner, he is in the kitchen, cooking when someone knock on the door.

Tee runs to the door to open it, he is surprised looking at Danny who is crying in Godt's arm while Mika looks angry. Tee blinks confuse with what happened.

"Papa" Mika wants to kiss Tee as his normal greeting when come home, Tee lowers his body. Mika left after the kiss, without looking at Danny at all.

"what happened? You want to come in?" ask Tee worried, Mika and Danny rarely fight till one of them cry. Something must has happened.

"Boy's fight?" answer Godt unsure.

"I need to go now. Bbas is waiting at house, I will contact you later"

"okay. Danny don't be sad, papa Tee will talk to Mika okay" Tee kiss Danny's temple and watch they leave his house.

Tee wants to go to Mika but stop when he see Tae is in front of Mika's door, looking confuse too.

"what happened? Our son slammed the door, it's never happen before" Tae looks at Tee, seems serious because Mika never be like this before. Mika is always sweet and cute.

"I'm not sure phi, Godt said boy's fight. Danny is crying too" Tee go to Tae's side to calm Tae down.

"It's too early to have teens talk right? Our son just Six, almost seven"

Tee laughs a bit at that, that is so true. Can't be lover's fight too.

"after dinner, okay?"

"Fine. Don't spoil him too much baby, it's not good for his growing"

"Yes phi, I understand."

Three of them are sitting in the living room, it's their discussion time. Tae looks scary as usual and Mika keeps staring on the floor.

"What happened?" ask Tae serious, Mika flinch a bit at that tone, he never get scolded before. Tee glances at Tae for a moment, Tae is too strict with a kid.

"Baby, tell us what happened" Tee ask softly, different with Tae's tone. Tae is not agree with Tee's way but Tee just ignore the glare.

Mika lifts his face and has tears in his eyes. Mika wants to run into Tee's arm but Tae stop him on his track.

"No. This time, I want you to tell me what happened first. You can cry in your papa arms later" Tee frowns disagree with Tae but Mika understand that.

"Don't be angry daddy, papa" Mika is crying and sniffing slowly.

"Depends on the situation" answer Tae still strict.

"at school, Lisa said she likes Danny" Mika hiccups and sniffing while wiping his tears. Tae and Tee wait for their son patiently.

"she wants marry Danny, but Mika will marry Danny!" Mika wipes his tears sadly.

"she said two boys marry is wrong. Cannot" Tae and Tee a bit surprised at that, they never thought a kid will talk about that.

"Boys marry is okay. Mika knows, she doesn't know. Mika angry and push her a little, a little!" Mika insist that he pushed that girl slowly and Tae and Tee trust their son.

"then, Danny scold Mika, said cannot hurt girls. Lisa said Mika is bad and wrong, Mika is good boy. Mika say sorry but she said Mika is bad, Danny cannot friend bad boy. Mika is sad, Mika doesn't want friend Danny because he scold Mika" Mika is wailing once he finished his story.

Tee feels bad for his son, he takes Mika into his arms and hugs him tightly, even he has tears in his eyes lookin at how sad his son is.

Tae hugs both of them, he feels hurt too watching how sad his son is about that matter. After consoling their son, Mika feels better and stay in Tee's laps.

"Mika good boy right papa? Daddy?" ask Mika hopeful, Tee smiles and nods his head.

"Yes son, you are the best. Danny, Lisa and everyone are good kids too. Lisa doesn't know about boys marry each other, that's why she say that." Tae ruffles Mika's hair softly.

"really papa?"

"Yes baby, besides, Danny want to marry you not Lisa. Boys should protect girls not hurt them, that's why Danny scold you for pushing Lisa. You know why Daddy and I always scold you when you are wrong" Tee comforts his son softly.

"Because you love me and want me become good person" answer Mika.

"That's right. Danny scold you because he loves you too."

"Mika make Danny cry. Mika no talk with Danny at all" Mika looks upset with what he had done.

Tae and Tee chuckle a bit, they glad that the problem solved for now. They will let Godt and Bbas know what happened so that they can console their son too.

"Tomorrow at school, say sorry and hug Danny. Be friends again, okay?"

"Okay papa. Mika wants sleep with papa and daddy today" Tee looks at Tae for answer.

"Of course son. Let's brush our teeth and get to sleep" answer Tae makes Mika become excited. He miss to sleep together.

Tee thanks Tae for understand their son and be the best father for Mika.

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