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8 years ago..

(Your POV)

I could hear my parents yelling. I blocked it out by texting one of my friends.

You: Hey, Gaege?

1 minute later..

Gaege: Hey Y/N. What's up?

You: Can I come over?

Gaege: Sure, what's wrong?

You: My parents are yelling at eachother again.

Gaege: Oh. Well sure. My parents aren't home so it's fine :)

You: Thanks. I'll be there in about an hour.

Gaege: Alright :)

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my hoodie. I opened my door and walked into the hallway. I felt an arm grab me and pull me. It was my brother, Todd. "Are you leaving?" He asked quickly. "Yeah. To Gaege's. Why?" I ask. "No reason. Just be careful." Todd said slowly. I look at him weird. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah... I'll be fine." I give him a hug. "I love you, Y/N." Todd said with a quaky voice. I look at him. His eyes were watery. "I love you too, Todd." I say with a smile. I turn to walk away. "Just know I always will." Todd said quietly. I thought nothing of it and walked past my parents. They smiled and looked back at eachother. I opened the door and closed it. I started off on my walk to Gaege's house. After I got there, I knocked on the door. After a couple seconds the door opened. I saw a smiling Gaege. He let me in and hugged me. "Are you ok?" He asked me while I was in his arms. "Yeah. I'm fine. Todd was acting weird." I told Gaege. He looked at me. "Hmm. Well, Todd's always weird." Gaege said with a smile and giggle. I giggled and looked at him. His eyes are so pretty. Him and I went upstairs and played VR. After a couple hours of playing, I say, "Gaege?" as I take my headset off. He 'hmmed' in response. "Do you love me? You know, as a friend?" I ask him. Gaege took his headset off. "Of course. Why would you think I don't?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know." I say as I walk towards the room door. I put my hand on the doorhandle. "Because.. I feel as if something happened." I say to him. Gaege came up behind me. I open the door and walk down the stairs. He followed me. I open the front door and sit on the steps. Gaege sat next to me. The sun was setting and it was absolutely beautiful. "What do you think happened?" Gaege asked me. "I don't know.. I just have a bad feeling.. like something bad happened, or something bad is gonna happen.." I say indecisive. "Hm." Gaege said. "If something happens, will you be there?" I ask Gaege. He looks at me in the eyes. "Like how? To rescue you or just be there?" Gaege asked me. I look away and think. "Any way." I say while looking at him. He smiled. "Alright. I'll save you if you need, or I'll just be there for you." Gaege said as he put his arm around me. "I love you." I said. Gaege paused a second. "I love you, too." He said quietly as he kissed my head. I put my head on his shoulder and we sit there watching the sun set..

*The flashback it over*

(Gaege POV)

We guys and I were driving around. It was dark so I had trouble finding the house. After a while, I finally found it. It took very long because she used to live out of town. It would normally take an hour to get there, but it took around 50 minutes because I sped a bit. I stopped about a minute away and we all got out. "Why did we stop here?" Mully asked. "I don't want them to hear us close the doors." I say as I get out of the car. Mully nodded and got out as well as the others. Rhett was out of the car and was sitting at our feet. I opened the trunk. "Narrator." I ask. "Yeah?" I hear him ask. "You have gun training?" I ask. "Uh, yeah?" Narrator said to me. I grab one of my guns I had in my car. This one was a shotgun. "Here." I say while tossing him a gun. I grabbed my pistol and put it in my pants, hiding it. "Dawg, you have guns?" Eddie asked me. I smirked. "Yeah. I'm a scary guy you know?" I said with a small laugh. I look to the house. There's a light on. I smirk. "They're here." I whisper. I got Rhett to follow me. He was always a quiet dog. The guys followed me silently.

(Your POV)

James had been sitting in the other chair watching me. "Nathan." James says while still looking at me. "Yes?" Nathan asked. "Go check outside." James told him. "Alright." Nathan said. He walked towards the back door. After a couple minutes of James asking me questions, I heard a sound outside..


I had snuck to the back of the house with Eddie and Rhett while the three others went around the front. The house looked a bit different than when I last saw it. I put my hand on the door.


I heard something outside the house. One coming from the back door and the front. James looked at me mad like. I gave him a scared look that made him calm down because I didn't know if it was the boys or Nathan. I heard a sound come from the back door.


I had twisted the doorknob


I heard the doorknob turn and jerk.


I twisted the knob. It wouldn't open. I heard commotion at the front of the house. The guys got in that way, so I tried harder to open the door. It opened.


The back door had opened. It was Nathan. I was saddened by this, but kept a straight face.

(Gaege POV)

I open the door and look. There's a woman scared to death in the corner. I look around. No sign of Y/N, James or Nathan. I look at the three boys. Narrator had the shotgun. I looked at the woman. "Please don't hurt me!!" She pleaded. "We won't." I say. "Is this 173 Blackon Drive?" (Not a real place btw) I ask the woman while pointing at her. She shook her head and covered her eyes and cried. "Oh shit.." I say under my breath. I look at Narrator, Mully and Josh look at me. I point to the door. "Go." I say to them. Eddie and I ran out of the door closing it. Rhett followed and I ran down the road to my car. "GAEGE! YOU BETTER EXPLAIN!!" I heard Narrator yell behind me. I jumped in my car and so did the guys. "I'm sorry. I swore this was the way to her house." I said. "Fuck." Eddie said leaning back. "Well then where is the house?" Eddie asked while leaning up again. I look forward. "I don't know." I say softly. I put my head in my hands. "I do." Josh said. "I remember." I turned to look at him. He looked sincere. "Ok. Switch seats." I said while getting out of the car.

Heellloo! I hope you liked the way I did this. (G-POV) was Gaege and (Y-POV) was you, if you were confused at all. Bye, love ya!

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