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6 years later..

(Your POV)

I had been playing on my phone and I heard James yell for me. "Y/N! Get in here, now!" It was just like 6 years ago when he asked me to clean up Rhett's pee puddle, but 3 years ago, he made me get rid of Rhett. I was very saddened about this, but I did so. I get up from the couch and walk into the bedroom. James is sitting on the bed with a mad look. He looked up at me. He stood up and walked to me. "Do you love me?" He asked with anger in his voice. I didn't answer. "Do you love me?!" James asked with more force. He grabbed my arms and hit me in the face again. I held up my arm to my face and pressed my hand up to the cut. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I-" James said. I held my hand up in silence and turned around and I sat on the couch. James closed the door loudly and after half an hour, I suspected he fell asleep. This is my time to try to escape. James was a heavy sleeper, so it'd be easier to leave. I get up off the couch being very quiet. I grabbed a lot of money and my passport. I also grabbed my phone. I opened the door and walked out and closed it. I ran down the stairs of our apartment and I ran out of the front doors of the apartment. I got a taxi and the first thing I said was "Airport, please." The driver was a lady about my age. She smiled and looked at me. She saw my face and asked, "Are you ok?" At my new cut. I look at her and smile. "Yeah, if you drive away. Right now." And I laugh for a second. She nodded and peeled off the side of the road and drove to the airport. I was looking out the window and thought about the picture of me and the boys. I get my phone out and look for it. I found it and smiled. I set it as my lock screen picture and teared up and smiled again. I look up and out the window for the next 10 minutes while the driver was talking to me. I was telling her about James and how bad he was and how I was escaping right now. She looked at me with sad eyes but a genuine smile. She drove up to the airport and said, "Good luck, Y/N!" "Thanks (your name of choice)." She smiled at me and I got out and ran inside of the big glass doors and I ran to the counter where you get tickets. After about half an hour, I got my ticket and got on the plane. As I sat in my seat, the captain was doing the protection protocol and stuff. After it was done I looked out the window and saw my worst fear. James was running into the building as soon as I heard the captains voice over the loud speaker. "Ladies and Gentlemen. We are about to take off, so take your seats and buckle up!" My heart was racing and I calmed down after I thought about how long it should take for him to get his ticket. By the time he'd be done, we'd be gone. "Are you ok?" I heard a voice say. I turn to my left and see a man sitting next to me. He had a sad look and looked at me deeply. He looked like someone I knew once. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said with a smile. He returned the look and looked at his hands. He rubbed them together and looked at me. I looked back at him. "What's wrong?" I ask. "You look like someone I used to know." I 'hmmed' and looked away. "You do too." I say looking out the window. I didn't look at him, but he asked me, "So, do you always havw cuts and bruises on your face or what?" With a laugh at the end. I giggled and said, "Yeah. I do. I think it looks cool." I said with a laugh and a smirk. "Ok. For real. What's with the cut and bruise?" I sat there for a minute thinking. "My boyfriend. He's always abused me. But now, I'm escaping to go be with my friends. But I really need this plane to take off because he's here. I saw him enter the building a couple minutes ago. It took me half an hour to get my ticket, so it should take him that long too." After I was done talking I looked at the guy. He was looking at me with confused and sad eyes. "Why're you on this plane? It's heading to Australia, so why're you going?" I ask him. He looked at the ground then back at me. "I came here looking for one of my old friends. I've been looking for her for the past 5 and a half years non-stop. I miss her so much.." I looked at him with sad eyes. "But I didn't find her, so I give up now.." He looked at me and out the window. "But it'll be ok." He said to me. "Why's that?" I ask. He points out the window and I look. We're off the ground. It took me a minute to understand. When I did, I smiled very happily. I look at him and he smiled a genuine smile. Wait... I've seen this smile before...

*Flashback 6 years ago*

Gaege closed the door. "If you ever need me, I'll be right here." He says to me with a comforting smile. His eyes are soft and loving. He hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. I smile a genuine smile and walk away. "If he hits you again, I'll kill him." I turn to look at him and he had a genuine smile. I smile and turn and walk away.

*Flashback is over*

I look at the guy. He looks at me weirdly. I open my mouth to talk, but nothing came out. I close my mouth and take a deep breath. "Gaege..?" I asked. He looked at me with confused eyes. "Yeah, how'd you know?" He asked with a half smile. I smile and get closer. "It's me." I whisper in his ear. I pull away and he looks at me confused like. Then after a moment, his eyes lit up. "Y/N?!" He whisper/yelled. I nod and he hugs me. I hug back. "I always told you I'd be here for you if you ever needed me." He said in my ear. "And you need me right now." I smiled and he kissed my cheek. Gaege let go of me and looked at my face and got angry. "James did this?" He asked. I nodded and frowned. "Well. Then I'll have to protect you." He said with a smirk while pulling me in for another hug. I felt sleepy, so I slept on his shoulder while he was holding me in a hugging position. I fell asleep happy that I found my old friend..

Hellloooo! I hope you enjoyed this part of the story! I did :). Bye, love ya!

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