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(Gaege POV)

After Y/N's story, I could feel fire shooting from my eyes. I was staring at the ground and clenching my fists. 'I'm gonna kill him'. I thought to myself. I stand up. Looking at no one, I walk to the door. "Gaege.. where're you going..?" I hear Eddie ask. "To kill James and Nathan." "NO YOU'RE NOT!" Eddie and Mully yelled. I stop myself. "Why the fuck not? He fucking hurt Y/N!" I yell while looking at Eddie in the eyes. "Because, if you kill them, you're gonna go to jail." Y/N says to me while standing up. "But thanks, Gaege." Her saying my name broke me from my madness. I felt my eyes go soft. Y/N smiled at me and her eyes went soft as well. Again, everything went still. Her and I were just here. In our own little world. She smiled affectionately.. she blinked slowly.. everything was slowed down and blurry.. "Gaege." I heard to my right. Weird.. it was muffled and slowed.. I felt light-headed. "I lo-.." I said.. but everything went black.

(Eddie POV)

"Gaege." I said. He didn't say anything other than a small whisper and then he collapsed. "GAEGE!" I yell. Y/N ran over to him, but before she got to him, she collapsed as well. I hear thumbs behind me. I turn to look. Everything was blurry.. but I faintly see blurs on the ground. I hear a bark and the front door opens. I collapsed and everything went black...

(Gaege POV)

'oww..' I said in my head. I felt dizzy. I open my eyes to see I was on the floor. I realized what had happened. I sat up really quickly. I look to my right and see all the guys passed out on the floor. Rhett was sitting next to the door whining. I look around for Y/N. "Mmmmmm.. Owww." I hear. I look to my right. Eddie was starting to sit up and Mully and Narrator made a sound. I noticed that in the pile of guys, there wasn't Y/N. "Where's Y/N?" I ask. "Like we know." Eddie said while groaning. "FUCK!" I yell angrily. "Aggghh.." I hear. Josh is just waking up. "What happened..?" He asked. "What the hell do you think happened?! We've been roofied!" I yell. We all stood up and sat on the couch. "Ok. What the fuck happened. I don't remember anything after we got home." Josh said. "Y/N was talking about how James and his friend raped her?" Narrator said with a asking voice at the end. They were all talking about what happened, while I sat there with my head in hands. I. Was. Pissed. But I had to contain myself. I had thought about what Y/N was telling me, only faintly. It had all set in at that moment. When I finally realized that Y/N was gone, I lost it. I was crying and I didn't care. After I made a crying sound, all the talking ceased and it was silent. Eddie put his hand on my back and rubbed my back. After him comforting me, I relaxed and cried louder. After a couple minutes, I had finished crying and wiped my eyes. I sniffled and put my head up. All the guys were looking at me sadly. I sigh. "She's gone. Again." I saw completely defeated. "Well, not completely..." Eddie said. I look to him. He had an evil smile. He smile made me feel better. "No, she is." I say sadly. "We don't even know where she was taken. And who took her?" Eddie looked at me. "Who do you think? Her abusive bitch boyfriend!" He said while laughing at the end a bit. I laughed because I realized where he had gotten that from..


"Why do you keep trying to make get with Y/N? She doesn't even like me." I say with a frown. "You don't know that. Why do you think she came back?" I look at him. "To get away from her abusive bitch boyfriend?" Eddie looked at me. He looked away and half smiled in his dumbness.

*Flashback is over*

I laugh for a second and look at Eddie. "Where do you think he took her?" I asked. I stumped him there. "Where do you think?" Eddie asked me. I sat there thinking. And thinking... And thinking. After a couple minutes of silence, "Ooh!" I hear. I look up to see Mully with a thinking face as if he was re-thinking what he was about to say. Mully looked at me. "What was your favorite place to take her?" He asked me. I thought a second. "The..." I said and I stopped. I had wide eyes and I stood up and said, "Mully, you're a genius." He smiled and felt happy. I grab Rhett and the guys jump up and follow me out the door. I get in my car with the guys jumping in with Rhett. On my way to Y/N's childhood home.

(Your POV)

I woke up and I tried to open my eyes. I felt quite weak. I managed to open my eyes, but it was pitched black. I had something covering my face. "Hello, Y/N." I heard. I knew the voice all too well. "James." I said angrily. "Whoaa. So scary." I felt anger shoot through my body as I felt hands get closer to me. I flinched. "A-are you scared of me?" James asked sarcastically. He took the blindfold off of me. First thing I saw was him a couple inches from my face. "You're still beautiful." He said while caressing my face. I was tied to a chair and he was crouched infront of me. I got pissed and looked away from him. My eyes ended on the island next me. 'this looks familiar..' I said in my head. I look to James. He gave me a smile. I couldn't help but tear up. "My house." I said in a quaky voice while looking around. The couch I used to watch TV on... The island I used to sit on when helping my dad make dinner... The dining table my parents and brother laughed at. I felt shivers go down my spine as I let out a cry. "Why?" I ask James. "Because." He said while fixing my hair. "I love you." James said. I look to the right and see someone standing there... It was Nathan.. I got really scared and James said, "Don't worry... He's only here to watch the door. He's not gonna hurt you.. nor am I, unless those boys come here for you." I thought to myself, 'please don't hurt Gaege... Or anyone else..'

Hellllooo! I hope you liked this chapter. I mean, not really, but the way I wrote it I hope you like 😂. The next chapter is gonna take place as a flashback instead of a regular chapter. Bye, love ya! 😂

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