In Love~

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(Mully POV)

I was looking at Gaege as Y/N stood up to run down the stairs. Gaege was tracking her with his eyes. As she was running down the basement steps, she stopped and looked at him for a couple seconds. Her eyes glistened and she ran the rest of the way down the stairs. I looked back to Gaege as he looked at Eddie and I. I looked at him with eyes of comfort. He smiled. "God that was hard." Gaege said with a loud breath and laugh. "What was?" Eddie asked. "Trying not to kiss her and tell her I'm in love with her." He said with a half smile. "With the way you were looking at her dawg it's like you wanted to just rip her clothes off!" Eddie yelled quite loud. "SHHHHH!" Gaege said and giggled. Gaege looked at the ground and smiled. Gaege made a 'hmm' sound like he was thinking about what Eddie said. "Dawwwgg, don't think about that!" Eddie said while giggling. All three of us couldn't contain ourselves. We all were laughing our asses off. We stopped and looked at eachother. "I'm gonna tell her." Gaege said while standing up. "No no no no." Eddie said while standing up in his way. "No your not. Not like this." Gaege looked at him with eyes of confusion. "Girls are..." Eddie stopped a second as if he was thinking. "What he's trying to say is that girls get scared off easily." I finished for Eddie. He looked at me and smiled. I looked back at Gaege and he looked at me. "Oh." He said, dumbfounded. (Haha, I'm joking. Gaege isn't that dumb. 😂) "Yeah. You gotta wait for a romantic time to tell her, ya know dawg?" Eddie said to him while sitting down. Gaege sat down closer to us and looked as if he was listening very closely. Eddie looked at me and smirked. I nodded and smirked as well. "Ya know, like when you're ripping her clothes off." Eddie said jokingly and I lost my shit. So did Eddie and Gaege. We sat there for a good minute just laughing our asses off before deciding to go down the stairs to the recording room in the basement, which is literally the entire basement. We moved it from upstairs to downstairs when Y/N left for the U.S just for a change.

(Gaege POV)

As we reach the bottom, we hear laughing. I look over to see Narrator and Josh on either side of Y/N helping her out with the controls of the VR controllers. She kept messing up which caused them to laugh. I was watching the way she was moving her body trying to figure out what did what. I got lost in her movements. "Hey." I hear a whisper behind me. I look to see Eddie and Mully looking at me. "You're staring." Mully said. I noticed that I was staring and blushed. I sat in-between the boys and kept staring at her. In my peripheral vision, I see Eddie and Mully keep glancing at me. They keep whispering to eachother, but I block out their whispers. All I hear is Y/N's beautiful giggles and all I see is her movements. Y/N and Narrator were playing as Josh was just helping her. Josh grabbed her hand and my fists clenched like how she did like when she left me.. for her bitch boyfriend. I was pissed and said, "Hey." Angrily and through my clenched teeth, loud enough for Josh to hear me since he didn't have a headset on. Josh looked at me and let go of her wrist. I smiled nonchalantly and looked at Eddie. He looked at me with pleasure. He nodded and laughed. "What?" I asked while looking at Mully and Eddie. They were both laughing. "What?!" I asked a bit louder. "Sshh." Eddie said while looking at Y/N. "You acted like her boyfriend right there." I looked at Mully and he nodded while smiling. I blushed and crossed my arms. "But I'm not her boyfriend." I said sadly. They both nodded and each put a hand on my shoulders. I still had my arms crossed but I relaxed because I was looking at Y/N again, and got lost in her.. again. Like I did on the couch upstairs. Everytime I looked at her, I got lost in her. Her eyes, her movements, her body, and even her personality. Her voice was just a lull to me. It could put me to sleep. Her eyes. Oh, her eyes.. her eyes are so beautiful. I get lost in her eyes. I get lost in everything about her. Y/N's giggle is everything I could ever want. She is anything I could ever want.. I want her. I want her love so bad. I was hypnotized until I felt a nudge on my right. Mully looked at me with eyes that said 'stop'. I had sat there for 10 minutes straight staring at her. "She's about to get off, and I don't think you should be staring at her like she's pizza, Gaege." Mully said to me as Y/N took her headset off. I looked at her and felt a hand on my face forcefully. It was Mully. He made me look at him with eyes that said, 'stop staring.' I gave him eyes that said, 'I CAN'T' and I broke away with Mully's hand still on my face which made my mouth open. I laughed and looked at Y/N to see her looking at me. Her hair was all messed up from the headset. It was fucking hot. "Who's next?" Y/N asked us. Josh raised his hand as Mully did as well. Narrator took his headset off and sat down in the recliner next to him. Y/N had taken Mully's seat. Mully turned to look at me, but I wasn't looking at him. He snapped which made me look at him. Mully gave me the same eyes. I gave him eyes that said 'Fine'. I looked at Eddie and he was looking at me defeated and he laughed. "I'm going to the bathroom," he whispered to me. "Don't do anything you'll regret pendejo." Eddie said to me with a smirk and giggle while getting up. Y/N watched him leave, then she looked at me. "What was that about? What will you regret?" Y/N asked me innocently. I was staring at her like I would pizza, like I was when she was standing with the headset on. I fucking love pizza. I devour pizza. Anytime I see it, it goes in my mouth. "Nothing." I say with a grin. She giggled. 'Ohhhh man' I say in my head. Y/N looked away at Mully and Josh. She laughed and I was looking at her with lust again. I keep holding myself together, when right now I wanna give her a kiss that never ends. I look away and I think to myself.

Helllooo! I hope you liked this chapter. It explains how much Gaege loves you, and how he gets lost in you. I mean, I've never had anything like this happen to me, or happen with me. Like, I've looked at crushes with eyes of love, but not the way Gaege looked at you guys. :) Bye, love ya!

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