Chapter 13

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I looked up at the clocktower. Seems that time never moves here. I bit into my ice cream, letting the cold frost my teeth. I started to walk, thinking of what I was going to tell Axel and Roxas.


"Hey, there's Xylona!" Laughed Axel.

I smiled weakly. I showed my half eatened ice cream. "I never forget."

"We know." Said Roxas.

I sat between them. I stared at my melting ice cream. Both of them noticed.

"Hey what's wrong?" Asked Roxas.

I shook my head. "Nothing." I licked my ice cream.

"Come on!" Axel playfully pushed me. "There's something wrong."

I dropped my ice cream. "Now there is." I watched my ice cream SPLAT on the ground. "Thanks, jackass."

"Nope. Not that that." Axel handed me his ice cream. "Come on! Spill the freakin beans."

"Fine, jackass. Do you know what a Half is?" I demanded.

Roxas got up and started walking.

"No saying goodbye, dumbass!" I flipped him off.

He waved and left.

Axel took my hand. "Look, if Saix called-"

I cut him off. "He didn't call me that. Demyx did."

"Don't listen to what he says." He pulled me towards him. "He makes things up like that."

"But, he said that there was a Nobody like that, who left." I thought out loud.

"There was." He rocked side to side. "Long time."

"Tell me about the Half." I looked at him with huge eyes.

He smiled. "Okay then."


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