Chapter 37

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I slowly walked through town, a blank face pressed on my face. I shuffled through the crowd of downtown aimlessly, like a zombie. People bumped into me, turning and about to yell at me.

They choke on their words as I just turn and look at them. They reach out for me, trying to comfort me. I turn and walk away, leaving them with their arm stretched out and their hand just dangling.

I made it to the ocean side. The cool, calm, water that slowly pushed up the shore that reminded me of Demyx. People started a bonfire that reminded me of Axel.

I leaned on the railing of the boardwallk. 2 girls walked side to side.

"Thanks for doing this!" Said one of them. They both hugged.

Reminded me of Autumn. I clutched my head. My fingers dug into my scaple, drawing blood as it slowly slid down my fingers. I clamped my eyes shut.

Why does everything reminds me of my fake memories? I just want it to stop!

The sounds from everyone around me stopped. I looked up. Everything froze. I groaned. This again.

Sounds of warping came from behind. I slowly turned to see a hooded figure. I pushed against the railing.

"W-Who are y-you?" I asked, my voice quivering. "Are you part of the Organization? Did Diz send you here?"

"Doesn't matter who I am. I'm not part of the Organization. Diz did send me here to get you."

"Why? So I zap out of exsitance?"

"Sora and some other peole left for Castle Oblivion. You need to be there with him. He needs you, Aimi."

Others? "Who else went with him?"

"A girl and 2 other guys."

Autumn, Dakota, and Jessie. They left for this castle? Why would they do that? Fucking retards.

"Aimi, we need to leave now!"

He grabs my arm, locking it in his death grip.

"Let me go!" I yelled. "This is kidnapping!" I tried to twist out. No use.

A corridor pulled up. He pulled me through.

End of Chapter

Just A MemoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora