Chapter 20

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I bolted out of bed. I slammed into the door frame. Man, sleep walking hurts. I walked into the living room. Something flickered in the corner of my eye. Someone moving. I whipped around. My sis stood there.

"Today, we will meet." She said.

I blinked and she was gone. I rubbed my head. Must of been from slamming into the doorway. I walked out side. I looked up. The stars where starting to fade. The sky turning into a shade of pink.

"Missed you when you left." Said a voice behind me.

I turned. "Axel." I cried, running to him. "Axel!" I fell into his arms.

"When did you decide to leave?" He asked. "I was worried about you."

"Never, I wanted to leave for the day off then come back, but I'm kinda stuck here now." I pulled away. "Wait, how in the hell, can YOU be here? Demyx only he can get through."

"I threatened to punch him and he opened the corridor." He pointed behind him. "Still have it up, if you wanna leave."

"Like I told, I stuck here now." I looked at our feet. "I just can't go back. Saix probably won't let me back in."

"How about this? I talk to Saix to see if he will let you back in." He cupped the side of my chin with his gloved hand. "Got it memorized?"

I placed my hand on top of his. "Yep." I kissed him.

He kissed back. The fire danced on my tongue. Oh, how much I missed this feeling! Just seeing him made my whole day. He pulled away.

"I should get going." He whispered.

"Yeah, you should." I kissed his cheek. "Bye, Axel."

I turned and walked away, leaving him standing there.


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