Chapter 9

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I got ready and hurried out of my room. My mind was racing. What is the mission? How is it? How can I cry if I don't have a heart? How can I emote? Who am I? Axel grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a corridor.

"What is the is the mission? Heartless running amok? What is it?!" I screamed at him, my mind blowing up at this second. The other Organization people stared at me.

He clamped my mouth. "Not so loud. I tell you when we get to town." He pulled me into the corridor.


I hurried out of the corridor and started pacing back and forth. Why was my mind doing this this to me? How can I make it stop?! I winced at the pounding in my head. I rubbed my temples and breathed. Take deep breathes. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.

Axel came over by me and wrapped me in a hug. Why couldn't I just stay with Axel? Melt in his arms forever.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I cried, a tear running down my face. I wiped it away. "Why can I fucking cry when I don't even have a fucking heart?"

"I don't know, Xylona." He hugged my tighter. "Maybe you found your heart."

I cried harder, the tears pouring from my face. I grabbed a fistful of Axel's coat, letting it go, and fell to my knees.

"I don't want to go." I cried out. "I don't want to leave you!"

Axel bent down and wiped my tears away. "Maybe you don't need to."

I looked up at him. He smiled.

"We don't need to tell anyone. It will be our secret." He pulled me up on my feet and kissed me.

When it was done, I asked. "What's our mission?"

"We have to find the heartlesses called Neoshadow and Orcus." He pointed toward the clocktower. "Saix said that they would be up there, waiting for us."

I looked at the clock tower. "Awesome." I smiled and ran to the clocktower.


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