Chapter 26

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I woke up in the middle of the night. My blanket was wrapped around my legs. The baggy shirt that Yuffie gave me was fanned over my bed. Autumn snored into her pillow. I sighed. I stepped around Autumn and walked out to the living room. Leon sat on the couch, staring at the TV. He was shirtless, but wearing pants. He glanced over at me, then back at the TV.

"You couldn't sleep either?" He asked, scooting over for me to sit.

"Was sleeping before." I said, plopping on the couch. "Just woke up."

"Man, that sucks." He set his arm on the back of the couch. "Then, it feels like you'll never sleep, but then you do."

"Yeah. So what are we watching?"

"Fast and Furious, the first one."

"Old, but awesome." I scooted closer to Leon.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.


The faint music from the title screen stirred me awake. I peeled my eyes open and moaned. My legs and arms were sore from being bent for a long time. I could feel Leon's hand stroking my hair. I slightly lifted my head.

"So, your finally awake." Said Leon. "I thought you were going to sleep for the whole day."

"Naw." I whispered. "We got things to do today."

I lifted myself off of him and shuffled to my room. Autumn still laid there, snoring.

"Hey, wake up." I grumbled, kicking her leg.

"Why did you fucking kick me?" She growled, lifting her head.

"We got to get going to find who ever you are looking for."

I pulled off my baggy shirt and put my other on. I slipped my pants on and looked over at Autumn. She still laid there. I kicked her leg again and walked outside.


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