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Baby boy: Seungkwan

Caregiver: Vernon

TW: Seungkwan gets caught in Little space


I have been really stressed recently because of the comeback, I haven't slipped in almost a month, I've been way too busy, but today I'm planning on slipping I have everything planned out, I tell them I'm not feeling well, they leave me home alone and I get all day to be little, it's perfect.

"Seungkwan? Why arent you ready we need to go" Seungcheol (S.coups) asked me with confusion laced in his voice.

"I'm not feeling too good, could I stay here in the dorms today?"

"Oh um, yeah sure, I'll make sure to tell the manager, I hope you feel better Kwan"

"Thank you, Seung"

"No problem, now go back to sleep" he said as he walked out of my room.


Its been an hour since the group left, and that was my cue to slip, I went to my closest and got my pig onesie out and slipped it on after I got in that I walked over to my bed and got a plastic box out from under my bed that help all of my little things, I got a purple and white paci clip, A paci that said 'Sweet Baby' and my pink cat bottle.

I clipped my paci to my onesie and stuck it in my mouth, I picked up my bottle and walked out to the kitchen to fill it up with chocolate milk, after filling his bottle up he puts the lid back on and takes a big gulp of the chocolate milk, now he was fully in little space, enjoying it too.

"Seungkwan?" he hears a voice behind him, he freezes up as his heart drops...Vernon was still here? His boyfriend, who knew nothing about this part of him being an age regressor, and he wanted it to stay that way.

"Seungkwan why do you have a baby bottle?" he asks getting closer "and a pacifier?"

"I-i um ah- p-please don't hate Kwannie" I break down in tears and fall onto my knees.

"Woah Woah hey, Kwannie, it's fine, I'm not mad at you, I could never hate you baby" Vernon say getting on the ground too and pulling me into a tight embrace "I love you baby"

"B-but Kwannie w-weird" I sob

"Baby, you're my boyfriend, nothing about you would make me not want to be with you, I was just shocked at first, but I understand that this is probably a coping mechanism for how much stress you're under"

"B-but why is Vernonie here?"

"I stayed back to make sure you were okay, I didn't want you to hurt yourself and have no one here"

"Does Vernonie still love Kwannie?"

"Vernonie will always love Kwannie, you're my baby boy"

"Does Vernonie know what this is?"

"Yes, I do know what this is, and if you are completely fine with it I can be your caregiver?"

"Vernonie wants to be Kwannies daddy?"

"Yes I do, I would love to be you're Daddy, do you mind if I am your daddy?"

"You my Daddy now!! Vernonie is my Daddy!!"

"Yes baby I am your daddy, forever and always, but baby, do you wanna tell the rest of the group?"

"But dey would get mad at kwannie, and not wann him anymoe"

"No baby, the group would probably think you're cute and love you just as much as they did before"


"Yeah baby, I can call them here right now if you want, get them to come back to the dorms, and we can tell them together, how does that sound?"

"Okay daddy, I tell dem"

"That's my good boy" Daddy says kissing the top of my head.


"Vernon! Were back why'd you call all of u-...why does Seungkwan have a paci in his mouth?" Soonyoung (Hoshi) asks.

"Guys Kwannie has something to say to you all" Daddy announces.

"Um i- uh...Kwannie is a Little, which means dat my mind gets younger when I scared or stressed"

"Kwannie is something called an age regressor where his mind regresses in age when he is put into certain situations, the reason he is regressed right now is cause he is stressed, because of the comeback" Daddy explains for me.

"That is..so... CUTE OH MY GOD!!!" Jeonghannie yelled startling everyone, he ran over to me and started kissing me all over the face, making me start giggling and hear collective awes go around the room.

"See baby, I told you they would love you" Daddy said kissing me on the nose.

"Thank you, daddy, Kwannie loves you" I say grabbing my daddy's face and giving him a soft paci kiss on the lips.

"And Daddy loves Kwannie"


Another chapter bro, I am on a r o l l.

I hope you liked this one, sorry it was so short, I didn't know what else to put in it lol.

Anyways, here is what Seungkwan was wearing!

Anyways, here is what Seungkwan was wearing!

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Thanks for reading!!

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