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I tossed and turned in my bed but I couldn't fall asleep. I got up to go to the kitchen for water to help me sleep but I couldn't stop worrying.

Then all of a sudden I hear a thud from the living room. "Hello?"

I walked towards the entry of the kitchen to stare at the living, but no one was there. I turn around, but then I'm slammed onto my wall.

"You made a bad choice on reporting us. I want you to take it back, and say it's fake." The figure in black spoke, "Where's Beomgyu?". The figure chuckles, "Living surprisingly.".

"We're giving you a chance to take back what you said. Live your life again. And mind your business." He lets go of me, and begins to walk away.

"But if you don't, we won't hesitate to come after you again. And it'll be permanent." He leaves. I begin breathe heavily, I slid my body down against the wall as I sunk onto the floor in shock.

— hours later —

"So you got a death threat?" I nodded as Chen sat in front of me and Jisung. "Yeah, and they wanted me to say my claim was fake." Chen nods.

"But did you see who it was? Or at least recognize whose voice that was?" I shook my head, "I want to refuse to take down the claim, but it's for your safety." Jisung pats my shoulder.

"But me and my crew will stay alert, make sure to call me if you guys have something up." We nod as we get up and leave.

I fought more people in the arena, they all groaned after I took out all of them.

"Okay, return him to his room." The back door opens again, they drag me back into my room. They sat me down as they injected more syringes into me, I felt like I was losing my mind. The door opened again, new people showed up.

"You're taking this well, 01133." The one with brunette hair said as he clapped, "My name is Beomgyu.".

"Calm down, We're here to congratulate you. You're almost done with your training~" the taller one with plumper lips spoke out.

"Tell me what you did with Hyesang" they looked at each other, "isn't Yoongi the one that went over there this morning?" I widened my eyes.

"Did he touch her?" I stood up from my chair, "Woah Woah Woah! Hold up there! I'm sure Yoongi didn't touch her. We can ask him." The one with plumper lips said, he stood up and opened the door.

"Yoongi, come here!" He says as he waves his hand forward. He sits back down once the male named 'Yoongi' comes in.

"Tell him that you didn't touch her so he can calm down." He says, he looks at me, "but I did." The male widens his eyes.

I glare at Yoongi, "In what way." Yoongi chuckles as he leans forward, "all I have to say is that she got what she deserved." With no hesitation, I take his head and slammed it against the metal table. Both males push me off of Yoongi, he walks away with a grin.

I run after him, pushing two of the males from before as I jump on Yoongi. I didn't know when I started, or even stopped punching him, but I did it.

"LET GO OF ME!" I was dragged in my room, then all of a sudden I get knocked out into seeing black.

Then I opened my eyes again, I'm in a different room. "You've only been here for 3 days Kid, when are you going to stop?" Jimin says from the other side of the window. I ignore him.

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