Confusion time

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As Claude and Felix lead team Natsu to a room, the girls where all wondering on Earthland how they where related to the two man? I mean they live in a different world for one thing and Lucy already has a dad. "Ok so how are you my dad and why did that man want to kill Wendy?" asked Lucy running in front of Claude and blocking him, hands folded over her chest (witch made them look bigger). "I want to know as well." said Erza copping Lucy, making Claude and Felix overprotective (since they both saw their daughters's breasts that are big they know how many males will want them, thank god Wendy was still a child or they would have their hands full)  and pulling the two girls into a room, that was right next to them (thank god), witch was a tea parlor.

Claude then order a maid (that came out of thin air making Happy and Natsu cry "A NINJA!!!") to bring them tea. As Claude sat down on a sofa, pulling Wendy and Lucy to sit with him (as Felix did the same with Erza leaving Happy and Natsu sitting on the floor)  started to say "Well the man said that because Wendy here is my older brother Anastacius's daughter, Wendy De Alger Obelia. She was kidnapped as a baby before he was crowned emperor and we all thought she was dead. Anastacius was using black magic, so I knew the empire would fall to ruins in his rule so I killed him. So Wendy is his heir and they think she will try to take control of the empire then. You are Athanasia De Alger Obelia my daughter, who I ...." here Claude sighed before looking his daughter in the eye looking so terrible guilty "Killed thinking you poisoned your sister, Jennette you saw her when you got here, after ignoring you your hole life."

Wendy and Lucy where in shocked at what he said, but he counted "I ignored you because I missed your mother, so I blocked all memories of her so that included you. I found out the truth that you didn't poison Jennette and wanted you back so much, so I took you, knowing you where reborn not caring about that, from that world and brought you back. I so sorry Athanasia, I'm sorry." He started to cry and pulled Lucy into a hug, not before pulling Wendy into it as well. Sorry for failing the two princesses, one of his brother and the other his own.

As the other watch on, before Felix turned to Erza saying "I am Felix Robane and I'm your father. I met your mother Irene a few years before princess Athanasia was born. I loved her with all my heart but one day vanished, I looked everywhere for her but never could. But she she gave me a beautiful daughter I could never knew till now." Erza was shocked at him, her father, as she slowly hugged him, crying in his chest. Felix was smiling softly and comforting her like you would a child seeking their mother's comfort after being hurt.

As they all calmed down after an hour (the tea came but Natsu told the maid to wait a bit before giving them the tea) "But how did Wendy and Erza end up in Eathland in the first place? Irene was from there as well, so how did she get here?" ask Happy. That made all of them think till Natsu said "Dragons."

"What?" the girls cried out, Felix and Claude looked at Natsu wondering what the young man meant. "Think about the dragons can travail through space and time, so coming to a different world isn't out of the question. An Erza, Irene was originally a dragon slayer wizard so she would have been able to come here as well. Plus Wendy when the dragons sent us through the time gate Grandeeney told us she found you abandoned in a forest in a different world, we didn't understand her back then but since going to Edolas we should know by now different world exist." Natsu explained to the group.

The group then desired to have tea and talk some more with their new found fathers and uncle, unknown to anyone Anastacius was listening in. Anastacius couldn't believe the time gate was real (he had learned about it but thought it was a myth) and his daughter sent threw it. That would explained why his daughter was still a child, but again was ok with that. It meant he would have to worry about boys for a while longer (Back in Earthland looking for a portal spell Romeo sneezed wondering if someone was talking about him, but went back to finding a spell to get his Wendy back) like his little brother and Felix would. He had seen Irene's and Diana's breasts but their daughters where much bigger. 

'He felt sorry for the two, those girls will have many suitors' as Anastacius disappeared into the air.

In the Ruby palace

Jennette had just heard the news about a Erza and Wendy parentage. The maids where saying that know the three girls where the most sought out brides in the empire, two where princesses of the empire and the heirs to the throne. Erza was Sir Felix's daughter, the Robane family was the closest to the royal family and had more wealth to last 20 generations. 

Jennette was mad, she should have been the most sought out bride that men fought over and now lost that to three nobodies? She would find a way to suck up to Athanasia again, into father's good grace then plot a way to kill them all, including that man and his cat. Before her 18th birthday witch was only a month away.

But unknown to Jennette on her birthday, she will lose all her powers and become a hideous person like her mother was on the inside and outside.

So to all readers I don't really no what to make Jennette look like after her 18th birthday, so I'm asking you to help me with that. Put a link into the comments and I will look at them. Thank you all so much.

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