Jennette's down hall from grace

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Jennette couldn't belive it, now since her sister and these people came she lost everything! Jennette watched as gurads removed all her things she came to the palace with out into the servents couters as her uncle and financee, well ex finacee now, didn't want her anywhere near them after the truth of what her beloved aunt and late mother did to their family's future. 

Claude also didn't want her anymore but the nobles didn't want her anywhere near them for housing or trying to fool the people. So the only thing they could do was place her in the palace as a servent to the imperal family.

She tried to talked to Ijekiel again about her situation once all her things Claude gave her were taken back to the royale vaults but all he said to her was "Your family broke mine apart for years! My sisters rooms you destoryed and turned into a dressing room and a tea party room all for yourself! Heck you even destroyed my only picture of my twin cause I didn't want to give you the locket! So get lost I never want to speek to you again unless your given orders to do."

She was then forced into the plain black maid's outfit that was too big on her, she asked the others to get her a smaller size but found out that was the only size and she need to mend it herself! She didn't know how to sew it wasn't lady like and don't get her started on the food.

She wasn't severed in bed and if she was late for the meal their was nothing left till the nexts meal, witch came after long hours of manual labor. From washing clothes and floors, to clean each room of ever palace to gardening! Jennette didn't know this but all the servents not working in a single palace working all over the royal grounds.

Jennette was tired, hungry and wanted her things back! She wanted her father's love back! She wanted to be the beloved princess and the one day beloved empress again! She hated her sister, her cousin and that noble knight's daughter!!!! She hated Ijekiel's sisters and brothers for ruining her chance at happeniess with Ijekiel!!!

"I'll get you Athanasia and Wendy for this, an once I have everything back to normal I will end you both!!!!!" screamed Jennette as she was scooping up horses's poo as she was kicked into a pill of it.

Hi everyone! So for this part in the story I wanted to write about how Jennette's life turn to the worst since she lost all her support and royal life style. I hope everyone enjoyed it! Bye

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