Lucy and Natsu meet Claude

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It was a normal day in the Fairy Tail guild hall, Grey running around naked, Mira shipping people together, Levy reading, and just the usual fight that breaks out. When suddenly a portal open up over top of the ceiling and started to suck Lucy into it. Natsu tried to pull her down, but he started getting sucked in to, the same with happy (who tried helping Lucy as well). Before anyone knew it, the three of them where gone.

In the Obelian Empire

Claude was waiting with Felix, Lucas (who open the portal) Jennette plus her family (the greedy bast!$%ds) and the nobility of the empire where waiting for the return of the missing first princess. Just then Happy Lucy and Natsu where falling from the portal and Lucy landed on Natsu's back. "Natsu are you ok?" cried Lucy as she got of from him and he stand protectively in front of her. Natsu smelled a bit Claude's sent mix with Lucy's sent, but it was more like a parents sent.

Claude sent Felix to get Lucy, but was stop by Natsu, "FIRE DRAGON ROAR" and blasted Felix away. Everyone (but Lucy and Happy) looked at Natsu scared thinking "who is that with the princess?" The guards stared to attack Natsu, but Lucy joined in the fight as well by using her magic:

Think the monster are the guards and Lamia scale isn't there

Claude was impressed by his daughter, but when she started coughing blood and he quickly called for healers. The last thing Lucy saw was Natsu, Happy, and Loke being captured by the guards. After that Claude picked Lucy up and quickly ran to a bed room.

"I can lose her, not again", thought Claude.

Who made me a princess x fairy tail crossoverOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant