- If you Love me

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[Kirideku+Pining Bakugou & Todoroki]

It was indeed odd for Deku, he never fully understood why he liked Kirishima so much. Hopefully, no one had noticed, because a large majority of the people he hung around with often didn't know how to stay in their own business and he didn't need a failed romantic catastrophe going down and ruining everything. He was simply going to confess like a normal teenager would do, as opposed to the previous option which most definitely would end up as a severe mistake.

Deku chewed on his gold and black fountain pen meticulously, watching the water run from Kirishima's toned back. He looked down at his notebook with a red face before getting up and grabbing his towel. "Hey Izuku, where ya goin'?" Kirishima was now at the edge of the pool, resting his head on his arms perched on the ledge. Deku looked back at him. "O-oh, just going back to the dorms."

Kirishima tilted his head to the side. His eyes roamed Deku for a split second before sliding back to his. "Aw, really? Already?" He whined playfully. Deku chuckled. "Well, I'll see you later then bro!" Deku tucked is head before turning to leave, unaware of the eyes following him out.


What Deku didn't realize was that the sooner Kirishima mentioned was not in fact the next day when they had class, but instead later that night. When a harsh knock sounded against his door Deku nearly jumped out of his skin. "C-coming!" He shouted, running to the door and opening it promptly. He hid his body behind the door, embarrassed at his seemingly feminine nightclothes. Though he was toned, he still had a slight curve to his hips. He often wore long sleeves— sweaters to hide the bruised and damaged skin from his quirk. These were usually required by simple jogging shorts— "for women".

"O-oh, hi Kirishima!" He smiled brightly, his face heating slightly. "Hey Izuku, can I come in?" Deku's face fell for a moment before he opened the door and invited Kirishima in. Deku followed Kirishima to the beds. There was silence as Deku stood above Kiri.

"I don't really know how to say this." Kirishima stood up, now looking down at Deku and far into his eyes. Deku's breathing hitched as Kirishima's pointer finger lifted his chin. "You have... really pretty eyes, Izuku." He smiled, connecting the two's lips together. Deku's arms slithered around the nape of Kirishima's neck as Kiri's slithered around Deku's waist. The kip was deep, passionate, and it was obvious Kirishima had won the battle for dominance easily as Deku melted in his arms.

When the two broke for air Kirishima found himself tucking a stray hair of Deku's behind his ear. His hair had grown a bit, no one was sure why he hadn't cut it yet but everyone seemed to like it so they never bugged him about it. "I feel the same way." Deku smiles and both broke into a laughing fit. They collapsed on the bed, Deku in Kiri's arms as they dozed off to bed.


"Midoriya?" Deku turned his head to see Todoroki surprisingly close to him. His face flushed. "A-ah! Todoroki-Kun, you scared me!" He shouted back. Todoroki ignored him. "What's that on your neck?" He pulled Deku close, tugging at his collared shirt to reveal a dark red and purple splotch on his neck. Deku panicked. "H-heh!? How did that get there?" He chuckled awkwardly before turning to scramble away. Todoroki turned back to Bakugou.

"Bakugou, I think Midoriya got beat up last night."

Bakugou's face turned, pure rage painted all over. "WHAT!?" He growled.

"He had a bruise on his neck and he avoided the question when I asked him about it."

The pair looked over to see Kirishima laughing as Deku looked to the ground embarrassed. Kirishima looked at the other's neck before covering it back up with a grin and Deku scrambled away to sit with the others. Bakugou blinked in confusion before the pieces finally connected. "It's not a bruise you dumbass. It's a hickey." He snarled. Todoroki gave a simple "Oh." In response.

"And I'm assuming it was from Kirishima, given the way they spoke of it so casually. Midoriya wouldn't even talk to the floating girl like that."

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Don't even get me started on that Bitch."

[sorry i lead the ururaka hate fan-club she just isn't all that </3]


It was night-time again and Kirishima and Deku had snuck out for a date. Unbeknownst to them two of their peers had followed them. They were in a simple grassy plain, right near the beach. It was like a mini picnic. The two sat, Deku laughing as Kirishima tried to hand feed him. Todoroki sat with a dull ache in his chest while Bakugou was practically a ticking time bomb.

Bakugou was set off when the two had kissed, and before Todoroki could strongly advise against it Bakugou was flying directly towards Kirishima's face. Surprisingly he stopped only to yell at him. But neither really knew what he was saying. Todoroki emerged from the bushes only to see Deku running away with tears in his eyes. He tried to grab him but was pushed away with enough force to tumble to the ground. "Look at what you did!" Kirishima yelled. "Fuck off, shitty hair! You shouldn't have been out here in the first place!" Bakugou argued. Todoroki dusted himself off.

"Arguing will get us nowhere. Midoriya is from the UA like us, he's out in the dark on his own and he still doesn't have a complete grasp on his powers. Now stop bickering— if you really cared you'd be more worried about how he feels than how you feel." And with that, the boy with the two-toned hair turned tucked his hands in his pocket and walked into the darkness.


Nearly an hour later Todoroki had found a crying heap in the corner of a dark alleyway. "Midori—"

"G-go away, Todoroki." The shadow sniffled.

"No, not until you're safe." He walked cautiously, sitting next to Deku. He wiped the tears from his eyes, holding him under his arm until the others arrived. Kirishima took him home. Deku was silent the whole time. Everyone was.

Kiri tucked the other in bed, cozying up beside him.


Brbrbrbrbrb okayyyy I didn't rlly know how to end this n I started getting bored of it so sorry for the awkward ending ()c[_]

♡ Deku One-Shots ♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें