- I'm here.

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Deku bit down harshly on his lip as he attempted to hold back his tears.

Take a swan dive off the roof.

The words echoed in his head as he sat in the class. He waddled towards a window, glancing down at his now ruined notebook. He sighed. Does it really matter anymore? He'll never be a hero. He's just a normal boy, he'll never have powers.

He looked up at all the birds, smiling weakly as tears now cascaded down his freckled face. He made his way to the roof, taking off his jacket and shoes, leaving him in a white button down. He sat on the edge.

It was quite high.

His stomach twisted.

He didn't know why, but he felt the need to lean forward.

Forward and Forward, until the ground got closer and closer and—

"Oi! What the hell are you doing, nerd?" A voice called out. It was obvious they were annoyed, but Izuku definitely didn't miss the slight concern and regret in their voice.

Deku turned around with a squeal, quickly wiping his tears away. He hopped down from the ledge, grabbing his stuff quickly and rushing past Bakugou, "S-Sorry Ka-Kach— B-Bakugou!" He stuttered. Fear filled his figure as a hand wrapped around his arm. But before he knew it, he was wrapped in Bakugou's embrace. His heart was beating quickly.

"Don't do that, dumbass."

"B-but you—"

"I know. And I shouldn't have. It was a mistake, I didn't even mean for it to come out." He gently rubbed Deku's back, something that he knew would always soothe the boy when they were younger.

The younger boy's ragged breath slowed as the soothing hand lulled him to sleep.


Izuku awoke in his bed, confusion sprawled across his face before feeling a shift behind him. His heart dropped as he jumped up, falling out the bed and turning around fearfully to the body behind him.

"What the hell, Deku!?" A tired, angry, Bakugou mumbled.

"K-Kacchan!?" His face flushed red. "W-why were you in my bed with me!?" He squealed.

"Because you fucking asked me to." Bakugou said calmly. "I brought you home yesterday after your little stunt, and I went to lay you down but you insisted I stay with you, so I did." He pulled the blushing Izuku back beside him and ruffled his hair.

Deku's memories rushed back to him and he let out a shaky sigh.

"I'm.. I'm sorry... Izuku." Bakugou mumbled out. "I didn't mean t—"

"It's fine." Deku sputtered out quickly.

"No, no it's not alright! I was being a dick and I shouldn't have said that... I should have never hurt you, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me, but I love y—"

Bakugou was cut off by a pair of soft pink lips against his. His eyes widened.

Deku gasped and pushed himself away, "I-I'm sorry Kacchan! I don't—"

Bakugou snorted, "You're such a fucking nerd, Deku." Bakugou pulled Deku closer and pulled him into a kiss.

Eventually Izuku pulled away with a flushed face, and tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Bakugou was confused, had he done something else wrong?

"Nothing it's just.." he laughed dryly. "I've liked you for so long. Even after everything.. This doesn't feel real." Bakugou wiped the tears from his face. "Can we go back to sleep?" He asked with a full smile.

"Oh— yeah. But uh, one more thing?" Deku looked to him tired and confused. He hummed gently in response. "When.. when I put you in your pajamas, I saw scars. A lot.. a lot of scars. Did you do that to yourself?" He looked down hesitantly. "Did you do that because of me?" His voice was quiet, timid. The opposite of the egotistical and rowdy facade he puts up.

Deku's expression dropped. "It was a long time ago. Just don't think about it too much. I'll stop, I promise." He absentmindedly grabbed his wrist, running his thumb across the rugged lines of destroyed flesh.

Bakugou kissed his forehead, pulling Deku into his chest and rubbing his back once again.

"You are my sunshine," Bakugou began. Deku could feel his voice vibrate through his chest. His voice was smooth and thick like a sip of whiskey.

"My only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey.." Deku recognized it as the song they'd sing together as kids. He joined in.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you." They both smiled a tired smile, holding each other close enough they could be conjoined.

"Please don't take.. my sunshine.. away.." They both trailed off, falling into a peaceful slumber.

sorry i totally forgot this book existed but im currently writing some stuff rn!! I'll check out requests later n see if there's any of 'em that catch my eye!

stay safe, ily all!

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