Stage Fright

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Chapter Nine
Stage Fright

It was the big day, we were on in an hour so we had to get everything absolutely perfect, I made both of us look pretty but Vinyl didn't care for looking pretty, she donned her signature purple shades and messed her mane up, she just likes it better that way and it did sort of suit her. With the help from the stage hooves we made sure everything was working and fortunately it was, thank Celestia for that. We were playing at the Canterlot Orcestrail Theatre, where I did all my pieces in the orchestra with those snobby ponies. I quickly peeked out of the curtains, the theatre could hold up to five hundred to one thousand ponies and from that I saw it looked like one thousand.

I looked around the many rows of red velvet lined seating to see a few friendly faces in the front row, it was Vinyl's parents sitting along side mine. They seemed to get along well which put my mind to ease but I doubted they knew about Vinyl and I dating, what would they say? What would they do? I didn't know but it was too late to worry about that now everything was ready and we were on in a few minutes. 'You ready Tavi?' Vinyl asked as she looked at me, I nodded as I pulled the large red curtain back into place 'You go on in two minutes girls, good luck out there' one of the stage hooves said as they walked off into the hidden side portion.

This was it, there was no going back from here and I couldn't think of any better way of doing it. I could imagine the headlines "Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch, new generation of music and love", this was us saying to all of Equestria that we loved each other and we didn't give a shit who knew. The speakers that rested on the corners below the stage burst to life 'Please put your hooves together for this two piece group, Vinyl Melody!' We were on, I quickly got into position as the curtain that shielded us from the audience lifted up and we were greeted with many, many ponies, mares, alicorns, stallions and many more applauding us.

A microphone was placed in front of me so I grabbed onto it and just I was about to speak I saw it, my orchestra group sitting up high in the balconies. I gulped as I leaned into the microphone 'Thank you all for coming out tonight, I hope you all really enjoy what we have-' I was suddenly cut off by one of the snobby mares 'I can't hear you! Speak up' they yelled. I looked at them frustrated 'My name is Octavia Melody and my partner here is Vinyl Scratch, better known as DJ Pon3' I announced to the crowd. As the generous applause died down we started our songs, first was Sun and Moon to honour Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, then Decree of Musicians and finally was our most prized creation. Vinyl Melody.

As my hoof gripped onto the bow of the cello and violin I made quick and sharp movements that tied together with Vinyls equally as talented electronic creation, I was right, this did feel as good as playing it with just her. We watched as the eyes of the audience widened in what we hoped was awe, many mares and stallions wore monicales, glasses and some chewed on pipes and toothpicks and one by one we watched as they either fell to the floor or wiped their eyes in disbelief. Slowly we made our way through the song, it was like I was the classical Yang to Vinyls electronic Yin "Let's finish this Tavi" Vinyl said happily, I nodded as I swiftly slashed my bow across the strings, everything went quieter as Vinyl took her hooves off of the turntable to allow me to take the spotlight.

I closed my eyes, took a breath and started to play slowly but I quickly sped up to the point where if my hooves were bleeding I couldn't feel it. After a full minute of tearing the strings apart and wearing them down I raised my bow and with a sweat filled sigh I opened my eyes, the sound of clapping hooves and cheering filled my once deaf ears. It was great to hear what was now echoing around the theatre, I looked around happily to quickly look at the snobby groups of mares and stallions "Could you hear all that?" I chuckled to them "Thank you all so much for listening and joining us today, we have been Vinyl Medoly. Thank you again" Vinyl said as she leaned into the microphone provided "Before you all go I just want to point out as well the annoyance and threats that they have sent us" Vinyl spat as she pointed her hoof to the balcony "They threatened us for being ourselves and enjoy each other's company, well guess what!" Vinyl spat again. Canterlot wasn't the most open of places so I was getting ready to run and I urged Vinyl to do the same, she grabbed the microphone, walked up to me and kissed me "We're in love and no pony can stop that!".

The crowd gasped in horror as we kissed each other but the scene was cut short as they broke the posh stereotype and stormed the stage. There was no time to grab our instruments so we just ran as fast as our eight hooves would take us "Quickly V!" I yelled as we galloped towards the main doors of the theatre. As we drew closer the doors suddenly exploded open, it was Applejack and Rainbow Dash "Need a bit of help?" Applejack asked as she helped us out of the hostile crowd, we knew that this gig would probably be the only gig we ever do in Canterlot so we needed to get out and fast. "How did you find us?" I asked "AJ told me that you two were a thing and we thought we better stick around for the aftermath, congratulations by the way" Rainbow Dash commented as she ran with us towards the main streets of Canterlot, hopefully we could lose them in there. "Through here" Applejack said as we quickly dove through the streets and back alleys. The crowds outraged yelling grew quieter and quieter so we stopped for a second "That's why I don't live in this place" Rainbow Dash commented with a laugh, her light blue fur blew in the wind and it quickly picked under her equally blue wings. "I didn't think they would react like that" I spat in shock "Well, they aren't the most open of ponies" Applejack commented as the four of us trotted along away from the noise "You two need to lay low for a while, let this all blow over" "You could share a house with me and Rainbow Dash if you wanted, your choice" Applejack offered happily. Vinyl and I stopped "Y-you mean that?" Vinyl stammered "Of course I do, we're friends. We look after each other" Applejack replied in a serious tone "Listen just come with us, we'll get you somewhere safe and you two can think it over, deal?" Rainbow Dash said still obviously worried about the angry mob of mares and stallions parading the streets. We nodded and with that we set off again, we were so thrilled to be able to be amongst friends that supported us. It felt amazing but we needed to make the decision to accept Applejack's offer or decline it but it was safe to say declining it would be the stupidest idea to cross our minds.

"We would be happy to accept your offer" Vinyl said after a quick agreement, Rainbow Dash and Applejack's faces lit up like Luna's moon in the night "Let's make it quick then, we can get a ride to Apple Achres from here"

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