Two Sides to the Record

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Chapter Four
Two Sides to the Record

Before we knew it, it was the afternoon and we were surprised at how fast the time went. It was only the morning when Vinyl came over and now it almost 1 o'clock 'It's true what they say time flys when you have fun' I said chuckling. Vinyl looked at me with a look of curiosity 'What's up, V' I asked 'How much does that orchestra mean to you?' Vinyl asked as she raised her head 'Not that much, it was fun but now it's becoming boring. If I knew I wasn't able to hang out with friends than I would have told them to shove it' I said as I cocked my head to the side.

'Why do you ask?' I wondered 'Well it's just if our friendship is what can get you kicked off the orchestra than well' Vinyl said as she bowed her head, we were both sad to think about the fact of not being friends all because of a group of stuck up ponies. 'Hey V, look at me, it's okay. I'd rather be friends with you than be in a band. I can quit the band anytime I want but I don't want to lose a friend because of it' I said lifting Vinyls head with my hoof, her eyes went from being happy to upset and sad, tears took refuge in her eyes. I wiped the tears away and hugged her.

'It's okay, I'll quit the orchestra' I said with a shake in my voice 'You would really do that, for me' Vinyl said as she sniffed 'Anything for you' I said as ruffled her electric blue mane. 'Now enough feeling sorry for myself, I'll ring the orchestra and tell them the good news' I said as I tried to cheer Vinyl up, I grabbed the phone and dialed the number. I was brought to the reception desk, it was Marie 'Yeah hello. Could you transfer me to Studio Z-0, it's important' I said in the usual happy tone 'Certainly one second' the ponies calm voice was replaced with a rough and tired voice, it was my conductor 'Hello, make it quick I'm very busy' he snapped as he silenced the instruments.

'Yeah Mr Valentine, I have a bone to pick this you. Do me a favour put this on speaker' I demanded, I could hear the sniggering ponies through the phone 'There you go Octavia, make it quick' the conductor snapped again. I took a moment to compose myself and yelled into the phone 'I quit! I'm done with your stuck up club, all your rules and your schedules. It's bullshit!' I took a deep breath and a moment to hear all the ponies gasp in horror 'Don't do that! None of you are perfect, Christine I saw you hang out with a "lower class" pony last week. Rebecca I know you have friends outside this orchestra and they're not us. No pony is perfect and no pony can keep up with these ridiculous rules. I quit, I hope it's not too big of a loss' I yelled into the phone as I hung up on the snobs.

I looked at Vinyl and she was motionless, her jaw wide open and her eyes fixed on me 'I didn't realise you could be that mean, that angry. I love it' she cheer as she hugged me. 'There is always two sides to a record, for me it's happy and angry, for you it's DJ Pon3 and a great friend to be with' I said hugging Vinyl tighter. I felt relieved that I wasn't part of that orchestra anymore, that part of my life was behind me now. 'So how do we celebrate this day?' Vinyl asked 'I know what your thinking and no' 'Come on, it'll be fun' 'No! I was drunk the last time' 'Fine, you can have shots, I'll have a cocktail' Vinyl retaliated.

I shook my head, I wasn't going to get drunk again, not near Vinyl anyway. 'Fine. What do you have in mind' Vinyl asked as she admitted defeat 'Lets get some take out, there's a nice chinese restaurant. We can get it delivered' I suggested, Vinyl seemed to like that idea more 'Can we watch a movie?' She asked 'Sure, what do you want to watch?' 'Either Mares of the round table or Pon-zilla. I can't decide' she said scanning my movies 'Oh! What about Pontopia?' She said as she pointed at a bright blue DVD case that stuck out 'Okay, I'll order the food. What do you want?' 'Chicken balls with steam fried rice and a bottle of scotch'.

I glared at her 'So chicken balls and steam fried rice' Vinyl sulked 'I'll have the pork and black bean sauce' I said as I dialed the number for the local takeaway. After a minute or two the delivery was placed and now we could set up the movie 'There's vodka in the cabinet, top shelf' I said to Vinyl trying to cheer her up as I got the movie set up. I'd never in my life seen a pony move as fast as she did when alcohol was involved, this was probably one of the ways she stayed awake for so long.

As I finished setting up the DVD player Vinyl was there with a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses 'We'll met fifty-fifty, I'll watch the movie if you take a swig' Vinyl said setting the bottle and glasses on the table in the middle of the room. 'Fine pour me one. I'll only have one' I said as I watched Vinyl sloppy pour vodka into the two shot glasses 'Cheers' Vinyl said as we hit the glasses off each other. I jerked my head back drinking the shot and Vinyl did the same, after a few seconds the door bell rang, it was the delivery.

I opened the door and snatched the delivery from the ponies hands 'That'll be 12.50' the pony said. I looked at Vinyl and she didn't have anything, not a penny 'One second sorry about this' I apologised to the pony as I ran upstairs and grabbed any loose change I had and a note. 'There you go 12.50, have a good night' I said as I closed the door 'You ready?' Vinyl asked with the remote in hoof 'Hell yeah, after the day I've had I need this' I said as I jumped onto the couch beside Vinyl, I grabbed a throw that was over one of the chairs and threw it over us, to keep us warm during the movie.

I grabbed my food and started eating it and Vinyl did the same 'I still can't believe you would allow me to get some scotch' she said jokingly 'We have vodka, that such be good enough' I replied munching on my pork. Vinyl held the container of chicken balls in her hooves and used her horn to levitate the food into her mouth, I laughed as she did it 'Start the movie' she said as I almost choked from laughing, I pressed play and continued eating.

As I almost finished I noticed Vinyl grabbing the pork and dipping the pieces in the sauce, she was eating them 'What I'm still hungry' she said as she took the last pieces of pork. I put the empty container down and we watched the movie. I put my head on Vinyls shoulder, she didn't react to it so I moved closer, suddenly she put her hoof around me and pulled me closer. I jerked my head up and she looked at me still wearing those signature purple shades, I moved my hooves closer towards her face, mainly towards her glasses.

I grabbed them and slowly pulled them off, she opened her eyes and they were beautiful, they were coloured like the stars themselves, they were a light shade of pink like an amythest only a lot prettier. 'You like them?' Vinyl asked I couldn't stop looking at them 'I never knew you had pink eyes that's so cool' I said as I put the glasses next to the bottle of vodka 'You would expect me to have blue wouldnt yeah? I like mixing it up, some ponies don't like it so I hide my eyes behind those glasses' Vinyl said.

'Well I love it, it's what makes you, you and you should never change who you are' I replied as I looked into Vinyls eyes. We snuggled up and watched the last few bits of the movie before it ended. I checked my phone for the time 11:34pm 'You want to sleep here for the night, I can make the spare bed if you want?' I asked as I looked at Vinyl. She looked outside and I was raining heavily outside 'Yeah go on, just like old times' I trotted upstairs and made her bed.

'You know, I really enjoy hanging out with you. I feel like you really get me, you know like we were meant to become friends' Vinyl said as she leaned against the wooden door frame. 'I get what you mean, I feel the same way, my life has become way better ever since I met you. I don't regret talking to you that night, I'm happy we got to know each other more' I said as I finished preparing the bed. We gave each other a look of gratitude and happiness, we were great friends and I never wanted to lose that. Who knows maybe in time we could be more, only time will tell.

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