A Long Night

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Chapter Three
A Long Night

Vinyl handed me a speaker and a microphone 'Play into the microphone and the speaker will pick it up, this is going to be great' Vinyl said. She pushed her computer aside leaving her too work with her turn table. I got myself ready and I started to think what I could play, Vinyl strarted a slow beat to get me into it. I waited a few seconds for the drop and then I joined in, it felt amazing even if it wasn't good I was happy just to play music alongside a friend rather than those other stuck up ponies in the orchestra. As I ran the bow over the strings it made me feel happy, I wasn't being judged if I messed up and I wasn't being criticised for what I did with Vinyl.

After a few minutes of playing Vinyl held up her hoof and lowered the beat, she wanted me to do a solo, she wanted me to take over. I played my heart out, I could never imagine me playing with an electronic music artist, maybe classical and electronic wont sound bad. After about two minutes Vinyl nodded at me as she slowly put the beat back into the song, we both played out hearts out and we both loved it. As the song ended we cheered and I couldn't wait to hear what it sounded like.

I put the violin down and rushed over to Vinyl, she was synthesising the music and added reverb, we were so excited. 'Do you think this will be good?' I asked Vinyl as I turned to face her 'Of course it will, with your music skills and my know how on making songs, its going to turn out perfect' she said smiling. I hugged her as she finished up tuning the song 'Okay let's listen to this beauty' Vinyl said as she played the song, it sounded amazing there was a great harmony in the song from the classical music and the electronic music.

'It sounds amazing!' I chirped, this was the first time I could naturally express myself without being shunned on. 'Now all we have to do is add lyrics, I'll do them and you can sing'  Vinyl said as she used her horn to grab a piece of paper and a pen from the other side of the room. We sat there for a few minutes thinking of lyrics to go with the song. 'First what's the title of this masterpiece?' I asked as I thought of names 'What about Vinyl Melody?' I said trying to think of better titles, Vinyls eyes widened 'Its perfect' she said as she wrote down the name, not it was just making lyrics for this.

I looked at the time on my phone 10:25pm, it was going to be a long night but it was worth it. After brainstorming the lyrics we discussed what to use and what to throw out, it felt amazing, I'm making music with Vinyl Scratch. After an hour or two we had the basic idea of what the lyrics would be, we then figured out where they would go in the song and we fiddled around with it until it sounded perfect. I took one last look at my phone 1:56am, I was going to tell Vinyl but I found her curled up in one of the chair with a blanket over her. 'Goodnight Vinyl' I said as I yawned exiting the studio, I closed the door behind me and noticed the sky it was beautiful.

Dozens and dozens of golden stars suspended in Lunas grasp, it was breathtaking. I found myself looking up at it occasionally as I walked home, as I reached my house I took one last look at the sky before I headed inside and dove head first into my bed. It was so nice to get some rest after the day I just had. I wake up to the sound of my alarm and 8:00am flashing on the display, I rolled over and hit the snooze button, I was too comfortable to leave my bed. The sun shined directly into my room and even worse onto my bed, I pulled the sheets over my head still tired from last nights adventure.

A few minutes later I was woken back up by my alarm clock, I got up and combed my hazelnut coloured hair, I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to properly wake myself up. I heard something drop through my letterbox downstairs so I trotted down to see what it was. I picked it up and it was mostly junk mail, letters for free drinks and something to eat and there was the occasional letter from the orchestra. I opened the door to throw the mail away but when I came back a small package was outside my door, I grabbed it in one hoof and closed the door with the other.

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