Get Together

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Chapter Two
Get Together

I paced back and forth in the hallway. What if this was a mistake? Was this left here by accident? I didn't know but I wanted to find out. I picked up my phone and typed in the number, this was the moment of truth, I called the number excepting no pony to answer but than on the other end Vinyl Scratch picked up 'Hello, you have reached DJ Pon3, how can I rock your world today?' Vinyl said 'Hello, Vinyl is that you?' I asked as my voice shook 'Hey Octavia, how are ya? Couldn't bear too be without me huh?' Vinyl jokingly said, she had no idea.

'Yeah I just found your phone number when you left my house, I wasn't sure if you left it here' I enquired 'That's for you, you really didn't think I would want to talk to a friend' Vinyl replied as she waved away my accusation. My legs went weak, she called me her friend. 'Yeah well I just wanted to check who's number this was, it's good talking to you again. Hope we can catch up soon' I said still trying to comprehend her decision to give me out of all ponies her phone number 'You too, maybe we can grab a coffee later?' She said 'Yeah that sounds great, just tell me whenever you're free and I'll be ready' I responded realising what I said 'I have a life it's just currently there's not much happening that's what I was trying to say' I suddenly blurted out.

I screamed in my head stupid, stupid, damn it Octavia. 'I'll call you when I'm free, okay bye' Vinyl said ending our conversation, I ended the call and then for the next ten minutes I screamed at myself for that stupid sentence, what was I thinking? She probably thinks I don't have a life now and I don't have many friends to hang out with. I do have friends, well they're all stuck up ponies that believe they're the best and I wouldn't call them friends but really, that had to come out. I was dying off embarrassment and I could only imagine what Vinyl thought of me after that chat we had.

The day was still young so I decided to have a shower and then after that work on some of my music I needed to practice for the orchestra. I trotted upstairs into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I was a mess, my mane was sticking out and curly, my fur was clumped together in matted knots, it was dreadful. I ran the shower for a few minutes making sure it was hot enough before jumping in, it was perfect. The water straightened out my mane and my fur, it was bliss. After the shower I dried off, after that I trotted back downstairs and gathered all my sheet music.

I grabbed my violin and played until noon, I was in the middle of a song when Vinyl called me 'What's up, so I've just finished my work and I have the afternoon free, you want to go grab a coffee or something to eat?' 'Yeah I'll just finish up here and I'll meet you at Equestrian Donuts, sound good' I asked as I started to pack everything away. 'I'm happy with that see you later than, bye' Vinyl said as she hung up, I was excited and a little bit nervous, once I packed up everything I walked over to the shop. It took me a few minutes to walk over and I found Vinyl sitting outside.

'Octavia, there you are' 'Hey Vinyl how's the music going?' I asked hoping to not seem dumb 'It's going great, I just need to finish the new song and I'll be ready to play it. Do you want to hear it when it's done?' Vinyl asked happily 'I would love to, it's not everyday I get to sample some ponies music' I said as I smile broke out on my face. Vinyl looked at me for a second, she looked puzzled like she was trying to figure something out. 'What's wrong?' I asked 'Nothing, I just, I give all my friends nicknames and I'm trying to make one for you. Oct? No that's no good, Tavia? No that's worse. I know I'll call you Octy from now one' Vinyl said.

I couldn't help but laugh, it was a new name anyone has called me, I've been called stuck up, snob, Celestia's pet and other less appropriate names but never Octy. 'I love it, it's definitely a new one. I'll take it' I said playing it up as if I was being dubbed by Celestia herself.

'You really like it!' Vinyl happily chirped, her eyes lit up and her smile almost took up half of her face 'I love it' I said as I leaned in towards her. 'Would you like anything madam?' A waiter said as he waited patiently 'Oh yes, I'll have the uh' I said quickly scanning through the menu 'We'll have two Equestrias on the rocks' Vinyl said, I found what she was taking about, it was a cocktail. 'A cocktail?' I said confused 'Not just any cocktail, this is the best cocktail you will ever have in your life' Vinyl said as she pulled me closer. 'Well, it's the only cocktail I've ever had' I mumbled under my breath.

Vinyl looked at me, her jaw dropped 'You mean. You have never had a cocktail in your life?' She said raising her voice, this drew the attention of the other ponies around us. I buried my head in my hooves, I blushed, she looked at me and her hooves on mine 'This is definitely a night to remember' Vinyl said as the waiter brought out the cocktails. It was vodka that was coloured dark purple and gold with lemon, lime, mint leaves and ice. I gulped taking in the consequences of drinking this, I knew I was a lightweight and I tend to do things that I'm not proud of when I'm drunk. 'Come on, drink up' Vinyl said, my eyes widened at her glass, she already drank half of it.

I took a deep breath and drank it. Within a minute half of my glass was gone. 'That a girl, drink up' Vinyl said as she drank the rest of hers, it did the same. The ice sunk to the bottom of my glass and the mint leaves sat on top of the cubes. 'You might want to wipe your lip' Vinyl said, I wiped my top lip to find half of it was covered in golden glitter and dark purple glitter, than without thinking I licked it off my hoof. 'Haha, your almost as bad as me' Vinyl laughed as she rocked back and forth in her chair. The waiter came out and collected the empty glasses 'Will that be all?' 'Could I have a cheeseburger and a side of fries, to take away' Vinyl said, she showed no effect of the alcohol.

I was impressed. 'So how was that for your first cocktail?' Vinyl asked me 'I loved it, I'm a bit hungry tho' I said. 'I'll split the burger with you' Vinyl said, I could only wonder is this what she does with all her friends? In no time the food was ready, Vinyl went in a paid and than she got me up 'Come on, I want to show you the song will working on' she said as we walked along the street 'Where do you work?' I asked 'I work at a music studio, Vinyl's Record and Rockers, was what I wanted to call it but my manager at the time wanted it to be called Vinyls Recording Lounge. The manager quit and since than I've been free lance' she said as she flipped her hair to the side.

As we walked further the alcohol started to hit me, it was slow but it was there. My vision started changing, the street lights became brighter, the road looked longer and the sun looked bigger, I started freaking out. 'Octy, chill out, its like alcohol has just touched you for the first time' 'Well the truth is it has, I've never drank pure alcohol only cheap watered down stuff' I confessed, as my vision slowly got better I saw Vinyl looking at me 'You're so cute when your drunk' 'I'm not drunk, it's just a new experience for me' I snapped at her 'Oh your angry, your so cute when your angry.

This is a new side to you' She said as she patted me on the head 'Fuck off' I said as I fell into the side of her. 'Come on, let's get you to the studio' Vinyl put her hoof around me hugging me, she was so warm. As we kept walking I started to sober up and come to the realisation that I was technically getting a hug from Vinyl, I was so happy, I nuzzled closer to her. Her white coat was so soft. We made it to the studio after about what felt like twenty minutes of walking, I was still partially drunk. She sat me down on a chair and she set up all of her stuff 'So you want to hear my new song?' Vinyl asked 'Yes, a million times yes' I said as I smiled, the alcohol wore off so I could think clearly.

I was in a large room that was shaped like a octagon, I was lined with foam and musical equipment. Vinyl plugged in her turntable and her computer, pulled over a microphone and tapped it softly before screaming into it "I'm DJ Pon3 and what a lovely crowd tonight. I'll be playing a new song I just made called 'Just Mah Bass Cannon' thank you and I hope you enjoy it". Before I could recover from the sudden loudness an explosion of noise bellowed from the speakers she plugged in.

Beats and wubs filled the air and my ears, it was loud but it sounded amazing, after a few minutes the song ended and Vinyl looked at me with curiosity 'So whatcha think?' She asked as she leaned over one of the speakers 'I love it, its perfect. It's an absolute masterpiece' I said without skipping a beat. 'Great, that's so good to hear you liked it. Do you want to play?' Vinyl asked, I looked at her puzzled and than she pulled out a violin 'We could see what sounds good and what doesn't' Vinyl said as she handed me the violin.

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