A Better Life

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Chapter Seven
A Better Life

The Ferris wheel started to move again pulling us back down to the ground, as we stumbled out of the cabin the operator was apologising to us about the sudden stop but we didn't care we were happy. We waved goodbye and started to walk back to the entrance of the festival. 'Octavia Melody!' I heard a voice yell behind me. It was low, deep and it belonged to one of those stuck-up snobs from the orchestra. I spun around 'Yeah that's me' I said in my usual cheerful mood as I grounded my teeth 'What's your deal? Do you think you're better than us? You're just another one of these lower class ponies' the snob spat as she walked towards me 'I'm surprised, I thought they already took out the trash, guess they missed abit' I said as I walked the pony trot over to me and Vinyl.

'You think you're better than us because you hang out with her' she hissed raising her hoof at Vinyl 'Really you're too insecure to have a go at me so you attack my friends. This just makes me sick, you make me sick' I said as I pushed her away from me. As we argued a crowd of onlookers gathered around us 'Don't touch me you lower class' the snob responded as she raised her hoof I looked around to see if every pony knew what was happening 'Are you threatening me? You might want to reconsider your next move' I said as I stared at her and before I could react her hoof danced across my face.

I fell to the ground and a gasp was let out be the onlookers 'You know what you are? You are a lower class pony that's what you are' she hissed around as I got up 'You hear that every pony? Because I'm not apart of their precious little orchestra I'm what they call a "lower class pony" does that sound right? Are we the lower class?' I yelled into the crowd, Vinyl rushed over and helped me as the crowd of bystanders circled around the snob and threw her out.  'Are you okay?' Vinyl asked as she brushed me off 'I'm fine thanks to you' I said as I looked at the angry mob of ponies.

'Are we just "lower class ponies" to you?' One said outraged 'Who do you think you are?' another pony said frustrated 'How are you any different from the rest of us? Just because you wear a suit and play an instrument? News flash some ponies also play instruments' another pony yelled. Vinyl and I walked away from the mob as we saw security approach. 'Well that was fun, I think I have well and truly ruined their orchestra' I said 'Yeah I don't think any pony will join them soon' Vinyl said as she hugged me 'I'm fine don't worry about me' I said as I kissed Vinyl 'I just want you to be safe and happy' 'I'm always happy when I'm with you' I said as I looked at her lovingly.

We walked back to where we were dropped off, after waiting a few minted flagged down a wagon and clambered in 'Where to ladies?' The driver asked 'Canterlot please' I said as I sunk into Vinyls side 'Today was crazy, and it's going to get crazier' Vinyl said as she slumped into the seat 'I'm so excited for you moving in' I shrieked as I hugged her 'I love you and I want to be apart of your life, more than I already am. Plus I do like when we share a drink or two' I watched as she scrunched her face up into a smile 'I do too V'. I rested my head on Vinyls shoulder and unknowingly peacefully drifting off to sleep, I was awoken when Vinyl nudged me laughing 'We're here' she said as I slowly regained my consciousness, Vinyl looked at me and laughed 'What is it?' I asked as I realised, I was drooling while I was asleep.

I wiped my mouth and gave Vinyl I curious look as she focused on her phone 'Did you record me?!' I said as I snatched the phone from her grasp. It was a video of me sleeping on Vinyls shoulder, I was drooling and mumbling about how much I loved her. I went a bright shade of red as I gave the phone back to her 'Don't you dare show any other pony that video, I mean it' I said flustered 'Don't worry no pony can see it. It'll be our little secret' she said as she put her phone away. I nodded as I got out and thanked the driver 'Let's get your stuff V' I said as I helped Vinyl get out of the wagon, the sun was high in the sky and the mares and foals were out playing in the streets.

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