Chapter 12

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Patrick's arms intertwined with David's, with their backs pressed together. Patrick couldn't help but notice how much more they'd been touching the past week. A couple of hugs, patting of hands, squeezing of shoulders, pressing of lips, holding of hands. Now partner yoga. He enjoyed touching David.

A lot.

When he'd been with women, he liked being larger than them. But with David? Feeling David's hips sit higher than his own as their backs touched, his own shoulders hitting below David's. He liked that a lot too. At that point, it would be more efficient to list things he didn't like about David.

"I'll lift you first," David said.

"Okay." Patrick concentrated on squeezing his core and holding his arms steady around David's. He was concentrating on that so much and trying not to think about what it would feel like if it weren't their backs pressed together, but their fronts. He didn't really feel any a stretch. If anything, he felt more tense.

David lowered him. "Want to lift me?"

"Yes." Patrick focused on the strength in his legs, keeping steady, rooting them into the ground, as he lifted David back.

"Mm that's a good stretch."

Patrick smiled and relaxed a little, allowing himself to enjoy the pose a bit. David was heavy, but in a way that felt safe and comforting. He enjoyed having David on him, but he'd much prefer it happening outside of a class.

"You know, if you think your mom would like it, I'd be happy to describe in detail for her what it was like to be pressed up against Hamish's famous ass."

Patrick's knees wobbled and he stood. David's feet hit the floor with a thud. Abso-fucking-lutely-not. He didn't want to know anything about Hamish's ass other than when it was getting the hell out of Canada.

Patrick, chill out. Yoga should be restorative, not aggravating. Now understood Hamish's earlier pep talk about possibly experiencing anger and frustration with certain poses and rolling with it. Though, he doubted Hamish intended to be the target of those feelings.

"I'll take that as a no." David laughed.

"Next, let's do the camel pose." Hamish walked by Patrick and David as he wandered the room.

David arched one of his perfect eyebrows and flashed a flirty smirk. Not the one where is shifted to the side like he was hiding it, but that smirk was open and direct. He dropped to his knees in front of Patrick.

Jesus Christ. David knew exactly what he was doing. Patrick knew he wanted to see David do that again. And again.

He let out a breath and dropped to his own knees.

"Hello, welcome. The floor is lovely." David's dimples were very pronounced as he spoke easily, as though they were discussing the weather.

"You will be the death of me, David Rose."

"I'll say lovely things at your funeral. I promise," David countered with a challenge in his eyes.

Patrick groaned.

"Grasp each other's forearms. Patrick, scoot closer to David. There's practically a canyon between you two." Hamish bent down and looked between them.

Patrick inched forward on his knees until he felt his thighs hit David's. Then their groins touched, and it felt like two magnets pulling them together. He wasn't sure how he would disentangle himself from David after they were done, nor how he would avoid spontaneously combusting if David dared to move a millimeter.

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