Chapter 6: Forged Trust

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(A/N) Hi! Finally got meh lazy self to write this chapter out, enjoy!


              Light and slow footsteps echoed through the long marble halls of the castle. Louder footsteps were made as the guards gave way to the general, a tall muscular man in a set of enchanted iron armor, his swords remained sheathed on his belt.

               He was escorting a somewhat deadly criminal. She was known to have murdered many innocent people and have manipulated many by just a flick of her hands. The general had not thought of her a criminal. In fact, she looked like nothing but a young girl. She wore a long white dress with ruby-red embroidery. She was barefooted and had smooth and soft skin. He didn't get to see her eyes as she had a blindfold over them to hide her so called "manipulative eyes". However, she had a long stream of soft and silky black hair, and wore a slight frown on her face. She seemed harmless and innocent, but the general got ready to unsheathe his blades just in case, after all, you can never judge a book by its cover.

              Suddenly, he felt his check knocking onto a cold hard surface. He backed away, rubbing his cheek and realized he had knocked into the iron doors of the arena. He felt his cheeks turn red when he heard the laughs of the guards. He shook his head and pushed open the iron doors, shoving the girl in.

             "Your majesty." He said, bowing to the king. He simply nodded, signalling permission for the general to leave.

             The general turned and left the arena, a room with the floor made of sand with raised platforms where empty rows of seats were. On a slightly higher raised platform, sat the king, glaring down at the young girl. His son, about the same age as her, set beside him, confused.

             Blindfolds were pulled to everyone's eyes as the executioner removed the blindfold from the girl's eyes so as not to get manipulated by them. Unfortunately, the boy had not known to use his blindfold.

             He stared at the girl's face, her skin was smooth and her hair was tied up in a neat ponytail. Her eyes... He stared at her beautiful, yet manipulative violet eyes, gasping in awe.

             The girl hid an evil smirk at the sight of the foolish boy staring at her. She turned towards him and forced a real-looking smile on her face. She giggled and waved at him innocently and girlishly, blushing a little.

             The boy felt his cheeks heat up and tried to look away, but he couldn't. It was as though his vision was forced onto her. He felt a sudden strange urge to help the girl when the executioner forcefully pushed her head down onto a wooden block, practicing swinging his axe above her neck

             Just as the executioner was about to go for his final swing and chop off her head, a sudden hand grabbed hold of the girls leg and disappeared along with her. He gasped in shock and looked at the king to see his son was no longer beside him.

             "My king!" He shouted, catching the king's attention, "Your son disappeared with the girl!" He exclaimed.

             "WHAT?!!" Came the expected yell, followed by the booming of thunder and striking of lightning, he was furious.

             The executioner backed away, frightened at the sight of his enraged king.

             Another bolt of lightning struck, this time striking the king, teleporting him away.

??? P.O.V

            A bright flash of light blinded me as I felt a hand wrap around my leg. My vision darkened as I felt myself floating through a void. I began to get relaxed and closed my eyes, slipping into unconsciousness....
Time skip

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