Chapter 1 | Where everything began

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•𝙰𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊 𝚙𝚘𝚟•

Why me? This isn't fair.

I wake up, and turn the timer off. I take a shower, put a jeans and a white blouse on and make my hair in the usual ponytail. I go downstairs, my mother is already awaiting me.

"Good morning Adora! How was your night?" Stop acting so nice you stupid bitch.

"It was good, how about yours?" I reply instead. "It was fine thanks for asking! Now go to school or you will be late, have this apple!" My mother gives me a apple and leaves the kitchen. I sigh.

Wow! What a great breakfast! But i should be glad, I got something this time...

I put my red sneakers on, grab my stuff and head out of the house. Soon I arrive at school and enter. I go to my locker to find a note.

Useless perfect wanna-be!


I throw the letter in a trash can and grab my books. My lesson is awaiting me. I quickly go to my classroom and sit down. Soon after, my teacher comes in.

"Good morning class, today we will have a new student. Come in!"

New student? Wha-

A brunette in a black top and shorts comes in. "Hello, my name is Catra. Don't make a big deal out of it."

"Great! Please sit down next to Adora, Adora raise your hand!" I raise my hand and Catra flops to the chair next to me.

Now I notice the freckles over her nose and cheeks and.... She has heterochromic eyes? One is blue, not my blue. Hers look like the ocean, the other eye is yellow. It reminds me of the sun.

I guess I stared for a whole while, because Catra suddenly said.

"Take a picture it will last longer."

•𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚊 𝚙𝚘𝚟•

What's the deal with the blondie? She just keeps staring.

"Take a picture it will last longer."

The girls cheek turn lightly pink and she quickly looks to the board.

Pffft- what a idiot.

I notice a few side glances during the lesson from... Ehhhhh What was her name again? Dora? Ah right, Adora!

She kinda looks like a brat, but something in her ice blue eyes, seem so... I don't know... sad?

I'm probably just overthinking it.

We are going to do a project. I already made pairs for you. Soo, Scorpia and Entrapta...
And the last group Adora and Catra!"

Excuse me, what? Why her!? Ughhhhh- I don't want to be in a group with a nerdy idiotic blonde. But I guess I will have to accept it.

"You are dismissed!" The teacher says before leaving.

"Soooo, wanna meet at my house at 4pm to start planning the project?" Adora asks me.

"I don't have something better to do, so sure... What's your adress?"

"It's Crystalcastle-street 32"

"mhm, okay. See you or whatever" I rush out of the classroom.

-after school-

The school day is over rather quickly. I have some annoying new friends. Scorpia, she's sadly a hugger she has to stop hugging so much. And Entrapta, she's really good with tech and a completely nerd.

I look at my phone, it's already 3:45pm!? I have to go!

-10 minutes laterr-

29..30..31 ah there 32! That house is... huge. So she's rich or something huh? I peek in through a window, looks fancy.

I go to the door and ring the door bell. Adora greets me.

"Heyyy! Come in!" Adora lets me in and a lady waves at me. Probably her mother, "Hello! So you're the project partner that Adora told me about?"

"Yes, my name is Catra."

"A beautiful name! Adora will show you her room, have a nice time girls!"

Adora drags me upstairs, to a room. It has like everything. A huge bed, a desk, a... Is that a mini bar!? In a corner are fencing stuff and the walls are white with golden pattern.

"So let's-" Adora starts but gets interrupted "Adora! Please come downstairs!" her mother called.

Adora suddenly got a frightened face expression, weird. Maybe she did something bad? "Be right back!" Adora leaves the room and goes downstairs.

I'm way to curious to stay here.

I sneak out of the room to the stairs and watch Adora and her mother. I think they are argueing, suddenly...

What the fuck? Did she just slap Adora?

2 minutes later Adora heads up and I quickly go back to her room. I can hear water, but I think about what I just witnessed.

Adora enters the room suddenly, and sits down on a chair. I look at her face.

That's definitely make-up.

"Soo...." The blonde starts talking about what we should do for the project but the only thing I could think of was.

There is something wrong in this household.

"I love you." [Not continuing, will rewrite.]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora