"Don't tell me......."

"Yep, there will be a dance too~!" Cosmo giggled, spinning around.

"Not cool...." Gary said, deadpan as he was wearing a slightly formal red jacket, white shirt and dark blue pants with spiked pair of black boots.

"Oh well, it can't be that bad..." Brunette girl sighed.

And the next, they were in a party hall as Timmy had to be with her fairies, Gary, and one of her former nemesis, Remy Buxaplenty. Oh, here comes the worse part. Especially when Anti-Cosmo and Head Pixie were observing the party from outside.

"Ooooh, how dare they uninvited us when it is a festival for ALL magical creatures!" Anti-Cosmo fumed, then smirked, "Oh well, might as well we leave them a gift..~"

Anti-Cosmo chuckled darkly as Head Pixie laughed in monotonous laughter.

The party continued as Juandissimo was flying away from the group of female fairies who wants every piece of him. Jorgen and Tooth Fairy were together as their god-son Winston was talking to Sally. Mother Nature was with her husband Father Time, enjoying the pomegranate juice. The best couple; Jack Frost and May Queen, were chatting while flirting with one another. Cupid watches the party with smile as his wife Psyche stood beside him. At one second, Jorgen, Juandissimo and Cupid felt a rather unusual presence, turned to the certain table with glowing fruit. A golden apple.

"Is that... a golden apple?" Jorgen spoke first.

"Oh my..., who would have left such a treasure...?" Cupid wondered.

"There're words written on." Juandissimo noticed.

The three looked at the words on a golden that has said; "To the most beautiful fairy". They paused for several seconds pondering until they grasped on the apple at once. Three fairies glared at one another while not letting go of the apple.

"Then, it must belong to me!" Jorgen claimed.

"¡Disparates! This apple belongs to me, the SEXIEST fairy ever exists!" Juandissimo refuted.

"BAH! Humbug! It belongs to me, the god of love and beauty!" Cupid argued angrily.

Everyone's attention diverted to them as the three continued to fight for the golden apple, confused at the situation.

"WHAT is going ON?" The Blue Fairy demanded as she approached to them, noticed the golden apple.

"Here comes the repeating gospel of three vain figures that lead to war...~" Molly remarked with sarcasm.

"Blue Fairy, please give us your judgement now." Jorgen spoke before the three asked in unison.


Blue Fairy sighed, rubbed her temple in contemplation. Fairies and god-children were murmuring to one another as they mutter their opinions.

"That's a hard question..." April Fool said.

"Blue Fairy's having hard time now..." Easter Bunny sighed.

"It is indeed, a very difficult problem." Blonda also pointed out, seemingly conflicted.

"For god of beauty, it's obviously Cupid, but....." Mother Nature began.

"I would vote Juandisssimo for the masculinity and his caring side for children." Minister Autumn viewed.

"This is a fight for the pride." Dwight stuttered.

"I think Anti-Cosmo left that Golden Apple on purpose..." Gary nonchalantly spoke.

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