That gray box

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Unfortunately Emily didn't hide her evidence from last night. And as Fantasie is looking she sees the next high heel in the top right corner of Emily's closet in a grey box.

Fantasie's POV
"Why would she have this, the latest aren't even out yet." She says to herself. Then opens the box and sees the heel.
"Omg, she didn't."

Emily's POV
I finally get done making dinner and then I see Fantasie and Angelina staring at me giving a suspicious look. Then Fantasie shows me my heel in her hand.
"What are you doing with that? Did you go through my stuff?" I say angrily.
"That is not important, what is is that you snuck out and attented a ball you weren't given permission to go to." Angelina says.
"Would you have given me permission?" I ask getting more upset.
"Probably not, but I am disgusted by you. Who do you think you are? And stealing my sweet Fantasie's man. That's out of line. What would your father think of this?" She asks.
"I don't know but he's almost as worse as you at this point." I say.
"This behavior is unacceptable!" She shouts.
"The only way to punish you is by having Fantasie take the person of the fake identity you made to solve this."
"No way that's happening." I tell her.
"Oh it's happening, or I'll make your sad little life more of a living hell than it already is." She says.
"Now get to cleaning this place needs some work done." Angelina said and Fantasie laughs.
I hated those two and
My dad is no help either because he's fooled into thinking Angelina and Fantasie are the kindest people ever.
It didn't really bother me that Fantasie wanted to pretend to be me, it was more so fact that they wanted to trick Xavier.
I wanted to tell Luke but what could he do. So I just put on my headphones and danced.
Fantasie and Angelina were planning for days on how Fantasie could 'reveal' that she was the girl from that night. My shoe couldn't fit her foot so I was interested in seeing how this was going. Some of the girls from school actually fit my heel and even bought the same pair but Xavier asked them to sing aswell to find the true girl. No one made the requirements yet.

An Emerella Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt