'A Ball to Remember' pt.2

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*Dance song above*

Xavier POV.
"David forced me to perform at this place I don't usually agree to things like this." I told my friends. Then she walked in and everything stopped. This gorgeous girl dressed in the prettiest sky blue dress which made her skin glow. Her hair was dark brown and straight it fell perfectly on her back. She looked so elegant and confident as she walked down the stairs. This masked angel took my breath away for a minute. Then I heard Mikey the host say,"
"Ok ladies and gents this is who you really came for." Which helped me to focus again.
"The man himself, he's got over 60 million views on his songs at only 17 years old. The Legend Xavier!" I run up to the stage and perform. The crowd seemed to be enjoying it but honestly I wasn't. I hated how the way my music sounded lately. I prefer writing my own songs but who cares about that. The record label I signed to said this is what people like to hear so I do the best I can.
After I performed they have this karaoke thing. And my manager David lets me know I should do it because this will make me look more 'approachable' and 'friendly'. So I comply, I change into my suit, mask, and do my hair a little different. So that no one recognizes me it is a masquerade ball after all. Truthfully, I just couldn't get that girl out of mind she was incredibly beautiful.
I'm up to sing now for karaoke. The song they told me was 'Don't Stop Believing'. One of the classics I hope this doesn't backfire on me. I will seriously hurt David.
I waited on stage and me Xavier Scott had to be the luckiest guy on earth right now. My partner was the girl I couldn't stop thinking about. I studied her and something was oddly familiar. Too familiar if I'm being honest. But I ignored it. And when I looked in her eyes I felt something like never before.
I started off singing then she joined in. Her voice was amazing. I was caught off guard. When we sang together it was insanely good. The audience liked it too because they were cheering us on. If I'm being real it was nice to go up on stage just as a normal person, have fun, and feel the music. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. When we finished we got a round of applause. Then she left the stage and went into the crowd.
I have to meet her. So I look for her and tell her,
"Hey you were great up there."
"Thanks you too." She says.
"Wow I can't see your face but you are gorgeous." I shoot my shot.
She laughs and says,
"If you can't see my face how do you know that."
I like her already.
"I just do."
"Do you want to dance?" I ask.
"Yes." She says.
So I pull her to the dance floor. And I love the song they're playing. 'Speechless'
"Do you know how to dance?" I ask her.
"I dabble a bit." She says.
"Ok you can just follow my lead." I say trying to be polite.
I place my hands around my waist and she then rests her small arms on my shoulders.
She starts to dance and wow she can move. What is she not good at? Our chemistry is so strong. It's like I know which way she is going to move and it just flows. Her dancing is really impressive.
So I say,
"I thought you said you dabbled a little."
She replies,
"Hmmm maybe a lot."
I smile and she smiles back.
I can't wait any loner when the dance is finished I take off my mask. She looks extremely suprised. I take some time to just admire her and those eyes. There was something about them.
"I'm Xavier, have we met before you look sort of familiar?" I tell her nervously finally catching myself. I then noticed alot of people watching us. She laughs and seems nervous too.
Then she speaks,
"I'm really sorry but I have to go." She grabs some guy she was with and leaves. Then I notice that she was running so fast she left her sparkly shoe. I smile my 'Cinderella'.
I've got to find you.

Emily POV.
"I have to go Luke it's 11:50 Angelina is gonna be home at 12." I say.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier genius? Let's go." Luke says. He speeds there .
"You know you and Scott might be made for each other. First you guys hate each other now your singing and dancing together." Luke laughs and says.
"Very funny now please hurry up." I urge him.
Thankfully, Luke is a pretty fast driver. We might have ran some red lights but this was necessary. I say my goodbyes to Luke as I run out of the car. Unfortunately, I see Angelina arriving home. As a result of that, I speed into the yard, go through the side window of my room, take off my dress, and put on a jacket. I make it look like I was organizing something. All of a sudden I see Angelina come into the room and asks,
"What are you doing?"
"I'm organizing." I answer.
"Uhhh." She says and closes the door. I let out a relieved sigh and text Luke to let him know everything was good. Shortly after I went to sleep.

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