Such a brat!

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As soon as I get home my step mom Angelina says, "Emily go take out the trash Fantasie's busy."
I say,
"But I'm about to start dinner. Can't I do it when I'm done?"
"Do I care? Do it now."
I just get annoyed and follow what she says. When I come back inside I meet Fantasie on the phone giggling.
I say,
"So you're busy?"
"Yes I am, is there a problem?"
I get so angry I just wanna pull her.... I calm down.
Later that night before bed Luke messaged me.
-LUKE- Hey did you see how many views the video has gotten? And your followers are blowing up... their calling you 'brave beauty'.
-ME- Seriously I didn't ask for all of this attention. What should I do to make this stop?
-LUKE- I think this is fair punishment for dissing the guy Em.
-ME- Uhh you're no help goodnight.
The next day I got ready for school Luke picked me up everything was pretty normal. Until I arrived at school and was pulled to the side by Xavier and his manager.
I say to Xavier,
"Why did you pull me here?"
Xavier's manager,
"Hi I'm David Xavier's manager. Xavier called me here to negotiate the terms for your apology."
I respond,
"Apology, excuse me but what are you talking about?"
"It's obvious you have a crush on me or something and just did that yesterday to get my attention. I completely understand and it's totally normal, happens all the time. So now my manager here is gonna read the terms to the public apology you'll be making. Then we'll give you two free front row tickets to my next concert."
He is so handsome even when he's being a prick.
I snap out of it and tell him,
"Okay I don't know if your delusional or just this dumb but I'm not apologizing for anything what I did yesterday, you totally deserved it. And I could care less about watching you sing or whatever it is that you try to do with your mouth. I'm not a fan especially to someone so stuck up like you."
He looks shocked and says,
"You're kidding right?"
"I'm dead serious." I say.
"Sorry kid, I guess you're just gonna have to deal with it this time gotta get some contract signed. Later, nice to meet you Emily right?"
I answer,
"Yes, it is and you too David." I wave him goodbye.
Even though Xavier is horrible his manager seems nice.
He leaves and Xavier comes closer to me and says,
"I don't know who you think you are but this isn't over Elizabeth." He walks away.
"It's Emily you jerk." I shout as he leaves.
The school day goes by pretty quickly. Everyone is either telling me that I'm brave or just a clout chaser.
Afterschool finally arrives and I couldn't be more happy.
"Hey Emily" This guy calls me. He's actually really cute.
"My name is Harry I was wondering if you would be interested in going out with me this Fri---."
He's cut off by the horror himself Xavier.
"Oh, so this is Elizabeth's boyfriend a pleasure to meet you. Yinno maybe tell your girl to stop bumping into people in the caf huh." He laughs and his whole squad does with him.
"Look dude I don't know who you think you are--" Harry says .
"Look dude I suggest you watch that tone of yours." Harry says while patting him on the shoulder.
Things are getting too heated I jump in.
"Mind your own business Xavier and stop acting as if your better than everyone else. When is actuality your the one who needs to learn how to be a good person." I stare him in the eyes and say.
One of his friends shouts out,
"Danggg bro!"
As much as I was starting to hate this guy. There was something about him that woke me up inside. I couldn't really explain it.
"Tssk", Xavier said then left with his crew.
"Who does that guy think he is?" Harry tells me.
"Yeah." I agree.
"So besides that whole mess would you like to go out with me?" He asked. Then I notice Fantasie leaving.
"Can I get back to you on that? I really have to go my step sister's leaving." I run off and say.

An Emerella Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang