Chapter 6

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Nico is hot.

I admit it. He's sexy and hot and badass and cute and gorgeous and did I mention sexy?

Now I know I said this before but this is different because right now, like, at this very moment, in the present, he's topless and sleeping in the hospital bed.

And I'm sitting here staring like a creep but I can't stop.

But I mean, look at him! Okay I know you can't see through the book or whatever but I'll just describe things to make it easier.

His chest is rising and falling steadily and is pale and sightly toned but not much, he doesn't really have abs but you can see he's fit.

He's thin and I need to feed him because of that but he's also long and lean and he has some nice curves. For a guy of course.

Some of my straight is tainting my Nicosexual.

I'm pretty sure he's shirtless because the nurses needed to check his body for more scars but they left.

Maybe they're coming back?

"Mnn..." Came a disgruntled moan from his bed.

I snapped to attention and walked to his bedside quickly. I forgot to mention, Piper is sleeping in the corner. I think she fell asleep reading a magazine called "Feminine Power." Huh.

Nico's eyes fluttered open and fixed themselves on me.

"Hey Percy..." He mumbled, a lazy smile on his face.

I frown. That's odd, he's smiling...

"Nico are you okay?" I ask.

"Actually I'm ssso amaaaazing. I feel like I'm floooatingggg!" He replied, that same dumb smile on his face.

Oh I get it. The doctors drugged him. I chuckled to myself. This'll be interesting.

"So Nico, I love you." I said, grinning, knowing he would forget all of this but it still felt good to say it to him.

He giggled. What a nice sound, I wish he did it more often. "Good because I love you too." He said, voice sloppy.

I blushed but I knew it was stupid, I mean he's drugged it's not like I can take his reply seriously.

"You look hot." I said.

This time he did blush and looked down at himself, then glanced back at me, a glint in his eye.

"You know, you could have all of me if you just asked when I was sober." He said, slurring and drowsy voice gone.

"Wait what?" I asked. That didn't add up.

He grinned mischievously. "I'm not drugged." He said.

I think my brain short-circuited at that moment. He's not drugged, so, I just told Nico I love him and he's hot and he knows it and he'll remember it.

Well, shit.

"I, uh, was... just testing... you..." I say slowly.

He raises an eyebrow.

"Okay fine I meant all those things I said but I thought you were drugged I didn't know you were perfectly awake and capable don't go about pretending you're drugged like that." I said, words rushing from my mouth.

"Told you it would work, Nico." Piper said, back to reading her "Feminine Power" magazine.

"Hey wait, you were in on this too?!" I exclaim, staring at Piper.

"Yes I was. I wanted to get you to admit you liked him so I told Nico here to pretend the doctors drugged him. If you weren't such a kelp head sometimes you'd have realized the doctors don't need drugs to check Nico's torso for scars or cuts." Piper explained.

I blinked.

Wow, I must seem like an idiot.

I spun to face Nico. "Uh, so, what do you think about what I said?" I ask him carefully.

He smiles slightly. "I think I meant what I said in return, and also thanks for the compliment."

I blush, realizing I had called him hot.


"Urm, no problem. So does this mean you like me too?" I ask hopefully.

Finally Nico has the decency to blush, as he nods his head.


I mentally bring out the cheerleaders and the marching band. You can come out of the closet as a Nicosexual to Nico now! I say 'to Nico' specifically, because I actually already came out to Piper.

Speaking of Piper, I have to thank her for doing this right after I bitch slap her .

Now, when do I kiss him?

"Nico! I was just speaking to a nurse and she said you were well enough to come back home!" Charlotte burst in through the door, mouth in a bright smile.

Nico happily sat up and held his hand out to me.

I stared at it for a moment. Did he want me to take it?

I looked at him.

He sighed in exasperation. "My shirt's behind you, may I have it?" He asked.

"O-oh right!" I said grabbing it and tossing it to him.

He slipped it on and got out of bed.


I stared up at my blank white ceiling. It was dark and rain tapped against the window which should have lulled me to sleep.

I sighed.

I was believe it or not, thinking about Nico. I want to kiss him and date him but is it allowed? I mean, sure he said he loved me but he never said we were in a relationship.

Why is life such a bitch when the best things happen?

I hear my mom, Sally, and dad, Paul, talking together in their room next to mine about unimportant stuff.

Parent stuff. Ew.

"Look what you've done to me, Nico." I say softly to the ceiling.

I smile slightly.

I'll see him tomorrow but I won't be able to if I'm too tired because I'm up all night.

I close my eyes.

I should start a Nicosexulity club. I'd be the president, of course.

I was too tired to realize I was the only Nicosexual one, considering I made it up.

Was this chapter short?


But they haven't kissed ye-


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