Chapter 2

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Lunch. Why didn't I think of that? Of course there had to be lunch.

I made my way into the uncomfortably crowded room, dodging bodies and arms. All of the tables around me were taken, but there was that one table in the back...

I made my way over to the seemingly only empty table in the room but right before I could sit down a hand grabbed the back of my shirt.

I tensed. Please don't be another bully, please not now. I think to myself.

The hand whips me around and suddenly I'm face to face with sea green eyes and a bright smile gracing a gorgeous slightly tanned face.


"Hey, you want to come sit with us? It's too lonely over here." He said, grinning, hand still on my shirt.

I felt my face start to heat up and I quickly turned away, glaring at the empty table behind me.

"I like being alone." I said softly.

Surprisingly Percy broke into laughter. When he finally got over his laughing fit he looked at me again and said, "Nobody likes being alone."

"I'd like to contradict that theor-" I wasn't able to finish what I was saying because he was now dragging me over to a long table filled with a ton of people I didn't know except that they were all pretty popular and I was getting myself into some deep shit.

I was plopped down next to Percy and some girl with pretty eyes... blue? Green? I wasn't sure.

"Hey Perce! Who's this?" Said a blonde guy sitting opposite Percy.

"I'd like to introduce to you all, Nico Di Angelo. He's new and wanted to sit alone so I thought why not invite him here?" Percy announced to the table.

I turned to look at him suspiciously. How did he know my name? I never told him. I mean, I knew his name because everyone knows his name. But nobody knows mine.

He smiled at me again, and I swear if his smile wasn't the most beautiful thing than nothing was.

"I'm in your art class." He said, explaining the unasked question.

Oh. Now I feel kind of dumb I didn't notice before. I nodded at him instead of replying.

Suddenly a pale hand was shoved in my face. I looked at it for a moment then glanced at the owner.

That blonde guy with the glasses was smiling at me, apparently trying to get me to shake his hand.

Hesitantly I took it and ow that was the most painful handshaking I'd ever experienced.

"Hi Nico, I'm Jason." He said.

"Hey." I replied simply. He chuckled. I didn't know what was so amusing but I guess I'm on a roll today considering Percy's laughing at me earlier.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" The girl sitting next to me asked, glancing at the empty space in front of me.

I shrugged. "I'm not very hungry." I said. And I really wasn't, I'm barely ever hungry at lunch time, so when dinner rolls around I eat a lot. Or maybe that's just because it's Charlotte's cooking and she's really good at cooking.

The girl huffed. "You need to eat, look you're already so skinny." She quickly dug around in her lunch and pulled out a half of a tuna sandwich.

"Here, you can have the rest of my sandwich." She offered.

I immediately pushed her arm away. "No, I couldn't do that Im fine, really." I said quickly.

To be honest, I was more surprised then I'd ever been. Why were all these people being so nice to me? I didn't get it. All I do is push people away.

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