speech~~BONUS 2

487 10 10

~3rd person POV~

As Hayden and Maria entered the Auditorium...Silence was all that was there, silence where you could hear the heartbeats of the onlooker's. All attention was brought to the pair as they make their way further forward to the auditorium following a path in the middle searching for their class row, looking left and right. To their surprise it was the 1st row, their numbered chairs were in the middle of the row. So they had maneuver around to the front of the auditorium to get to their seats.

[something like this]

                                  1 2
                                  | |
~~~~~~~A                                 A~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~B                                 B~~~~~~~


RG1(random girl)- Kyaaa! the boy is sooo Kawaii!!!

RB1(random boy)- I think they are both girls and the one the left is cross dressing.


RB2- no no no you got it all wrong the left girl is super cute!!

Hay*mind*-💔💔*critical headshot*

RG2- You guys do know your talking about a...*stares intensely at Hayden* super... *evenmore* Hot...*by now she can melt metal with her stare* Guy *faints due to her imagination running wild*

Hay- *shivers*

~Time skip~

A young man with gold eyes and orange hair with a pretty muscular build showed up infront of us and introduced himself.

Principal- Hello younglings, My name is Davil Rattuel and I am the Principal of Lat Academy...

Students- Rattuel *gossip*

RB- Is it the 'Rattuel' family

RB1- Yeah, I heard the Rattuel family is easily one of the strongest family.

Hay-*low voice* Strongest family huh~

Davil-..... so I hope I gave you enough encouragement for you to drive towards the future with burning passion.*walks away*

Vice principal- Hello 1st years, I am the vice-principal Kara. you all will be guided by your respective class teachers and they will give you your schedule for this year. Thank you.

Maria tensed up when the green haired and silver eyed female introduced herself

~Hayden's POV~

Hmmm*looking at his row* not many students about 15, Ohh~~ the hero's what are their names again Michael, Jezzy, Nia, and Kana I think but i don't think jezzy is correct maybe Jay, no Jake! yeah Jake. So that makes 6 including Maria and Me the other 9, 5 girls and 5 boys huh neet maybe I'll be friends with them.

Kara- Hello I am Kara the class teacher for class S. Please follow me to your class room.

As we followed our class teacher I noticed Maria trying not to look at our class teach, so

Hay- Hey Maria?

Maria-*startled* eep! jeez hay don't do that

Hay- What did I do, I just called you. so whats wrong? you two have history *pointing at Kara and Maria*

Maria- *smirks* why jealous?

Hay-*pouts* No!

Maria- Actually the time you asked what was going on with me in the carriage it has something to do about her.


Maria- I'll tell you when we are in our dorm room, K! *smile in reassurance*

Hay- K! *smiles back at her*

Maria-*blushes a deep red*



~3rd person POV~

God- ohhh~~ looks like our lovey~ dovey~ has met our little present ain't that right Desia

Desia-*red from anger* grhhh!!! I told you not to call me that *smirks* Geia~ and, yeah *blushes* I can't wait untill our little incomplete present gets complete.

Geia-fine I'll stop only if you do to, only 'he' can call me that! Oh looks like 'he' got a name and it's Hayden. eheh Hayden~ meaning sunshine or sun immortal.

Desia-Ok and same only 'Hayden' can call me that.
Oh and how long till our present is complete?

Geia- Don't know~ Maybe~ in 1000 to 2000 years oh so.

Desia- wait but do you think it will survive that long, probably 1000 years if she is lucky, Hayden is immortal so he will survive but her?

Geia- Don't fret your little pants over it, do you not remember it is created with a part of yours as well as my soul in it. Sometimes I really can't believe your the responsible one here.

Desia- oh ok, I completely forgot. And I can't believe you actually can be responsible instead of daydreaming.


Desia-I really can't wait till 'MARIA' is complete
Geia-Me too

So two supreme beings have got the 'fancy' for Hayden and what do they mean when they say 'when MARIA is complete'
               Find out next time on Dra...*cough*,*cough* Walking on a Different world...


~Status BONUS 2~

[Level]-4510 (224931/342850)

Hp-2867610.     Mp-4748210
St-2651780.      Df-2454900
Ag-2898990.     Sp-10000

Skills- smash(a),sword slash(s),Fire manipulation(s),Water manipulation(s),Material manipulation(s),martail arts(a),shadow movement(s),wind manipulation(s),light movement(s),teleport(s),flight(a),Elemental manipulation(sss), compond magic(sss),Buff magic(s),dark magic(a), Debuff magic(s), Pain resistance(s)

Unique- Gods blessing(sss)
Devils blessing(sss)
Unlimited growth(?)
Gods eye(?)
God steal(?)
Faster growth(s)
Whether manipulation(ss)

[Titles]-Geia's friend, Desia's friend,The one who reincarnated,monster slayer,heartless one,cute knight,pussy,Demi-god slayer,Dragon slayer, dense d___head, sun immortal,sadist, merciful



Hp-15700                   Mg-20500
St-9000                      Df-8000
Ag-10500                   sp-8000

Skills-wind magic(a), water magic(a),archery(s)

Unique skill-blessing of a Immortal

[Title]-village chef, heroine(hidden), lover of the sun immortal.


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