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Leo didn't come to school today. Not anyone got bothered besides me though. That's because he barely participates for us to know that he exists and is actually part of the class.

To be honest, if you happen to randomly walk into Leo outside of the school, you won't really think of him as an introvert. The fact that he's a tall, freckled mestizo, pale-skinned, red-cheeked, visible nose line and perfect-shaped lips teenage boy then no. Not at all.

Others took advantage on making jokes about him. Well, they were a bit funny. I just can't stand the fact that it's somewhat bullying.

There was a part on how Leo celebrates his birthday - that he goes a foundation for the deaf and mute and they all try to make noise to have fun.

The class gathered on Elvey's place, the comedian of the class who's, unfortunately, my seat mate.

I would often get scolded when he whispers a joke to me and I suddenly laugh while the Teacher's discussing.

"What's the difference between Leo being present and Leo being absent?" Elvey asks.

"What is it?" Mark said from behind.

"Nothing" he pauses for a second and continues, "Nothing at all"

Then they all blurt into laughter while I give them a smirk.

Adrianna, the socialite in class, noticed that I wasn't in the mood to join them.

"Looks like someone isn't happy with us making fun of her - " she then elbows her best friend, Mia, before she ends her sentence, " - partner."

The entire class tease me and I just give them a fake laugh back.


Everyone goes back to their business focusing on the jokes about Leo. I didn't bother anymore and instead opened my Calculus book.

Valentine abruptly sits on the empty chair in front of me and faces it towards mine.

"Hey" he says.

I still focus on my Calculus book aware that he's talking to me.

"Hey" I reply.

He becomes quiet for a second so I face him instead and close the book, "What is it? Need anything?" I ask trying to put a smile on my face.

"Oh nothing. I was just wondering..." he indirectly speaks, "that.... uhm.... since we're talking about partners, and Leo, are you two -"

If this guy's going to ask me if we're getting along then that is a big 'no' so I immediately cut his sentence off shaking my head. Well, at least no one has to know.

"Oh have you started?" he sighs.

"Started?" I ask curiously recalling his question. This time, I think he wasn't really asking about us being friends.

"Oh. Are you talking about the project?"

"Yes, yes" he confirms, "What did you think?"

I didn't know what to say. It's a good thing Madeleine comes over and starts joining our conversation.

It's obvious how she'd been crushing on Valentine since he was introduced to our class.

Valentine came to school early in November after semestral break this year. He's a sit in though and that's because he's from Japan.

Valentine studies in an International School in his country but since it's winter season there, his parents were afraid they won't be able to survive the negative celsius weather (whatever) and so they moved here temporarily just until mid-February. And that's next week. Time flies so fast. He's leaving soon.

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